Chapter 6

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Adam awoke in a cage, there where many other victims who had been missing, for days.. they were all hopeless and sad, silent and cold, he knew what he had done.. he let the two people he cared about down.
he let Grace down.. He let Jonah down.. he held a picture of all three of them on the day the two met Grace, she was injured but happy.. her smile mocked him.. the only girl he'd ever consider sister  is lost from his grasp.. and probably hates him now, all he wants to see now is her happy, he wants to see Jonah and Grace happy.. Now he's failed, he hides his face in his knees, thinking about what He has done.

(meanwhile with Gabriel)

Gabriel was sitting on his throne, drinking wine, what? you thought he might be drinking blood? he's evil but he's not a vampire.
"where is Vestul?  I need his report on the Heathcliff Suicide." Gabriel Demanded.. "your majesty, he's been on the run for 3 months.. and his teammate Hellav has been off communications since they entered Marks Room.. we don't know what happened.." one of the disfigured Alternates explained

"UNACCEPTABLE! if he's not here today I'm going to-" "DON'T WORRY YOUR HIGHNESS!! I'M HERE!!" Vestul said in shortness of breath "finally, I've been getting EXTREMELY inpatient.. I need your report." Gabriel said. "well.. sir.. you already know of my Traitor brother Burstal trying to sabotage the.. Torres household.. preventing us to continue with the mission" Vestul said "but do not worry we managed to distract him long enough to kill Cesar, and for me to take his form" Vestul said Transforming into Cesar perfectly, the disfigured Alternates clapped with awe "and what of the heathcliff household?" Gabriel questioned, "ah well you see... we tried getting him to off himself but.... Burstal was there to protect him, when we went for the kill Burstal had attacked Hellav..and.. he is no longer with us..but he managed to copy Mark perfectly, making it look like Mark really did die" Vestul.. or rather.. Cesar now, explained

 "and what of Mark now?" "we managed to capture him." Cesar said Revealing Mark tied up in rope, he looked Pissed off, Gabriel clapped "excellent work Vestul." Gabriel said pleased "please, call me Cesar for now your highness" "of course, Cesar." Gabriel said, he walked down to Mark, he had tape over his mouth, Gabriel ripped it off "BASTARD!! WHY AM I HERE!?!? WHO ARE YOU DEVIL!!!" Mark Yelled "now now~ thats no way to talk to your God~" Gabriel Cooed "YOU'RE NO GOD!! YOU'RE A DEVIL!!" Mark spitted with venom and hatred "what of his Sister Cesar?" Gabriel asked "we... don't know actually.. she just ran off." Cesar explained "unacceptable, seems none of my children can get that annoying little girl. she always has someone protecting her." Gabriel frowned "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Mark yelled "you seem tense~ throw him in the cage with Adam." Gabriel commanded "yes your highness" one of the disfigured Alternates said dragging Mark to where Adam was "YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS DEMON!! KINGDOMS OF DARKNESS ALWAYS FALL!!" Mark yelled while being dragged.

Adam heard his cage door open and a brunette man got thrown in with him, he was tied up, the cage closed "BASTARDS!! LET ME OUT!!!!!" he yelled "its no use.. look around it wont work.." Adam said sadly "...ugh.. I can't just give up... my sister is counting on me.. shes alone.." Mark said tears welling up "I know how that feels bud.. except shes not really my sister but. I think of her as one..." Adam said hugging his knees.. "...what was she like?" Mark asked "oh.. she was incredibly sweet.. so scared of the world she was living in though..." "what happened?" Mark asked "... me and my best friend Jonah... we found her bleeding, passed out on the sidewalk under the rain.. she.. told us her whole family is gone.." Adam said "oh...." Mark said "she had only been with us for 3 months and she was already like a family to me.. a sister.. I wish I knew what happened to her family" "what's her name?" Mark asked ".. her name is Grace Heathcliff.."
Marks eyes widened "thats... THATS MY SISTER!!" Mark exclaimed happily tears still stuck in his eyes "you're her brother?!" Adam asked "yes!  I'm so happy she's safe..!" Mark exclaimed, happy tears rolling down his cheek "yeah.. no thanks to me.." "what do you mean?" "...she wanted to be apart of a organization that Jonah and I where apart of.. and me wanting to make sure she had the experience to be a proper member.. I put her in harms way....." Adam said with guilt in his voice.. tears formed in the corner of his eyes "I'm sorry sir.. I really tried keeping her safe... I really cared for her..." Adam said teary eyed "hey man.. its alright, you tried, atleast she's still alive.. I'm just glad she has a roof over her head now" Mark said giving Adam a smile ".... you're right.. here lemme help you out of those binds" Adam said untying the rope releasing Mark "thanks dude" Mark said "you're welcome.." Adam said looking away "how long are we going to be here for...?" Mark asked "... I don't even know...." Mark looked at the picture of him and grace smiling together. he misses his sister so much.. he wonders if she still misses him too..
if only he knew.

{TGC} The Grace Catalogue (My Tmc AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum