Chapter 16

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"Brothers in arms.. reunited once more. How joyous ... delightful ... It's such a shame that good things never last long."


Vestul squeezed his brother once more as they lived in the moment of reconciliation... "I hope we never get separated again!" Burstal sobbed "that's.. something we need to talk about" Kore cringed... Ruining the moment Vestul coughed "yeah... Right.." "what??" Burstal was confused, Vestul pulled away from the hug and straightened his bowtie "I won't stay this way for long... There's this... DEMON inside me Burstal...". Vestul paused for a moment, and Burstal stared in disbelief "the day you left.. was the day Gabriel decided to give all of us our indoctrination 2 years early...." Vestul hugged himself in an attempt to comfort his broken soul "it made me do.. so many horrible made me kill Cesar!!" Vestul sobbed... Every word spoken was of heartbreak and guilt he held himself in his arms closer... Until Burstal put his hands on his brother's shoulders "it's not your fault... I understand..... I'll need time to find a way to get that evil thing out of your head" Burstal reassured "Burstal... I wasn't in control for so long... I felt so trapped... I felt like I was going insane... I saw all the things he made me do... the guilt weighs down on my tiny heart's like a curse" Vestul cried " long until he takes over again..?" Burstal asked "I don't have much time... so before I go I need to tell you...I know where Grace is.." Vestul said, and Burstals eyes widened "oh.. where is she?" "I found her somewhere on Mandela Street, Officer Johnnys House... its... very out there" Vestul Explained "thank you brother... I ... I missed you by the way..." Burstal looked down "I missed you too...but I'm afraid I can't stay long... my will is growing weaker.." Vestul looked like he was dying.

"Quick! tie him up!" Burstal commanded, Kore saluted and tied Vestul up tightly "I don't know if this will hold him, Brother..... not even B.P.S bars could hold him!" Vestul Panicked, his voice shaking with fear of what he could do to his own brother and his two new friends "well I have to handicap him while I can before he gets to Grace, so even if they don't hold I'll still have a headstart." Burstal explained, "but brother.. what if he.. kills you....?" ".....I'd rather Die trying." Burstal walked out of the cave, and it was silent, Kore scootched over to Vestul " ya like pokemon?" Kore asked "Poke-wah?"

{meanwhile with Grace}

it was 8:20 PM, it was Grace's bedtime, but Johnny was a bit late at work so she decided to stay up for him. she was sitting on her phone texting Jonah and Adam, she knows they won't ever answer but... she found some form of comfort talking to first people to take her in after she lost everything.. even if they're responses were barren.
she got a text from Johnny, it said "hello! sorry for being late, on my way home now! :)' Grace smiled "its okai!!!! i'll see you soon!! >w<" the Text sent was left on read, just then Grace heard a crash in the kitchen, and her heart dropped, she pulled her phone out and started recording, if she was going to die, she might as well leave with closure.
she slowly goes to grab a bat on the table, maybe she can knock out whatever is breaking in.
Grace slowly made her way to the kitchen trying to watch her step so as to not make noise she raised the bat high and her phone high as well. she snuck up on the figure with a bat and...

it turned around and faced her, its magenta glowing eyes were... familiar...
Grace lowered her bat and switched on the light.
It was just Burstal, and Grace dropped her bat "Grace!!" Burstal exclaimed as he rushed to hug Grace, she just stood there and hugged him back. "I've been so worried!! I thought you died!!" Burstal exclaimed hugging her tighter... "I...I'm glad to see you too Burstal..." Grace squeezed back.
Burstal chuckled as he rested his forehead on Grace's forehead, staring into her eyes, he never knew how beautiful they were, and Grace got lost in his eyes as well...
"you know if you were going to have your boyfriend over you could have texted me" Johnny chuckled as he stared from the kitchen entrance, Grace and Burstal flinched as they quickly separated from the hug, they were... blushing very hard.
"h...he's just my f...friend Johnny..." Grace blushed harder "mhmmm~ sure..~" Johnny teased chuckling "I...I'm surprised you're not.. scared of my appearance...?" Burstal said, very confused "Grace has told me about you, so I'm not scared of ya." Johnny explained sipping the coffee that he got from the local cafe "oh!" "so why are ya here anyways boy?" Johnny asked "..well.... I'm here for Grace.." Johnny gave Burstal an interesting look "what do you mean?" "I mean I need her to come with me... it's not safe for her here! someone is hunting her" "who?" Johnny asked "... my brother... he will kill anybody who stands in his way... Grace we need to run-" "no! I..I'm tired of running..." Grace exclaimed, "but Grace.... it's not safe for you..." Burstal said with a worried tone ... Grace looked at Burstal "...hey I survived a car crash, I can survive an alternate." "but he's not a normal alternate Grace... he's like me... royalty... directly related to Gabriel.... we're his children.." Burstal looked at the ground ".... so? I beat him in a fight once." Grace said grabbing her bat "Grace, I think Burstal has a point, but she can't keep running..." "so then what do you suggest we do sir?" "let her stay here, I have training... I can protect her." Johnny explained.

"very well... but I am staying.. it's my duty to protect her as well.. which means Grace you cannot fight." "WHAT!? But--" "Grace, he's right... you don't have the training, you're only a kid.... you're a priority to keep safe." Johnny patted Grace on the head ".....that alternate killed my brother, I intend to take revenge!" Grace spat with Hatred for Vestul "Grace... your brother would have wanted you to be safe and alive." Burstal explained, patting her back "please... I can't lose you..." Burstal gave Grace the shiny emotional eyes, Grace's will to fight broke "f..fine... I'll be up in my room then..." Grace put her bat down "hey, let me tuck you in at least?" Johnny asked gently "yes please" Grace sighed, and the three went upstairs to Grace's room and Johnny tucked her in bed, and went to the door to close it "goodnight Grace" Johnny smiled gently, Grace yawned "... will I really be okay tomorrow...?" She asked "yes sweetheart.. I'm sure you will be just fine." Johnny cooed sweetly, "ok papa... night..." Grace turned over and started to sleep
Johnny's eyes widened... she's never called him papa before... his heart filled with joy, as he closed the door gently...

it would be a long time before she would use those words again...............................

Grace woke to glass crashing and red eyes peering down at her, Johnny was knocked unconsious but alive, and Burstal was choked against a wall, the Figure saw that Grace was awake and slammed Burstal against another wall knocking him out with minor fractures.
it was Vestul, he reached for Grace and carried her "shhhh~ shhhh...~ sleep little one.... sleep...~" Vestul cooed as Grace tried fighting for her life, and fighting sleep at the same time..

                                                            sleep won that day.

and she awoke in a cage... it was dark.... and cold... she was afraid.... so very afraid.

{TGC} The Grace Catalogue (My Tmc AU)Where stories live. Discover now