Chapter 18

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TW// Slight Bullying

it was a lovely spring day, Mark was 7 years old, and Grace was only 4.. and momma and papa were dropping Grace off at kindergarten, she could start at an early age because she showed great intelligence. they dropped her there and said bye, Mark was really hesitant about letting his little sister go alone in kindergarten, they were both inseparable and now they're being separated... but alas Mark really had to let his sister spread her wings at least a little...
 Grace looked at the building curiously, what wonders awaited inside?
Grace didn't feel like she fit in with the other kids, they were all playing and giggling, and just going up to random kids and talking like life meant nothing, Grace just sat by herself drawing her and her brother. she smiled... she loved her brother a lot, he knows how to play knights and princess' he knew how to save her from everything! he was the best brother she could ask for... sure there were times when they'd fight, but they always made up... it's what siblings do.
a couple of kids came up to her while she was drawing, but she didn't really notice them, they tapped her on the shoulder, and she looked up at them. They smeared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in her face to get her to participate in food fighting... thinking she'd want to join in, but she spat out the food that was smeared on her face (some of it got into her mouth) and she stared at the kids like they were weirdos... "FOOD FIGHT!!!!!" the kids screamed, and everyone threw food at Grace, she was shaken by this sudden attack so she closed herself up in the fetal position, trying to at least protect herself, one of the teachers noticed this and quickly broke up the fight, trying to clean up Grace... she heard the whispers from the other kids "she wasn't even enjoying it..." "what's wrong with her?"

"What a freak."


it was nap time and Grace was too excited to sleep, in just a few short minutes she'll get to see her brother again....! she started playing with her hands, opening and closing the fists as she'd smile happily.
the other restless kids took notice of this and thought it was weird... and were annoyed by her hand fidgets, and slapped her hands down "stop, that's annoying" she stared at that kid and rolled over trying to sleep.

that slap really hurt.

the time came to go home, and as Grace was walking to the door happily the kids pushed her down and giggled, she scraped her knee a little and it hurt a lot, and tears formed in her eyes "o...owie" she muttered "hey!! you little pricks! what do you think you're doing?!" shouted a familiar voice, it was Mark... he looked pissed off.
the kids saw the older kid and got scared "umm.." "GET OUTTA HERE!" Mark yelled and the kids ran off, Grace looked up and saw Mark, and she smiled widely "m...marky!! marky!!!!!" Grace exclaimed happily, and Mark chuckled "hello!!" Mark helped Grace up "c'mon! mom and dad are waiting for us." Mark picked Grace up and headed to the car "look! I drew you a picture!" "awwww I love it!! it's beautiful!" "hehe!! thank you!"

{fast forward a few years after the parents had mysteriously died.}

Grace was 12 sitting outside the doctor's office... she'd been acting 'weird' at school, at least that's what the kids say, she barely had friends.. and the friends she did have didn't really hang around her.
she'd fidget with her hands in class, making the other kids wonder what on earth she was doing.
and she never seemed to crave affection from anyone but her older brother.
Mark was told to take her to the doctor, the Doctor asked her a couple of questions and she was sent out of the room, and Mark was called in.

"hello sir, please sit"
"uhm.. alright doc."
"I've got the diagnosis of Grace... she's... well... I don't know how to put this... she's not like other kids."
"in... what way doc..?"
"her brain is wired differently..."
"you mean..?"
"she will require a lot of care and love, sir."
"and she will need to learn how to cope or else, her social life can become none existent."
"yes sir... can I have the diagnosis papers?"
"of course, here you go"
"thank you."
Mark looked at the papers, it was true... Grace really was different... but it still doesn't change the kind, sweet girl he spent his childhood caring for.
she was still his sister, and this diagnosis does not define her...
"hello! what'd the doc say?" Grace looked at Mark with anticipation and excitement in her eyes
"'re just... special that's all" "oh my god do I have a low IQ?!!??!" Grace teased, and Mark chuckled " no sweetie, no... here. it's just this..." Mark handed her the papers "oh"
"Don't worry Gracie,  just because this paper says you're one way, does not mean you can't try to make it another way."

"Really?" Grace asked
"yes really."
"is this one of those things that applies to real-life situations again? hehe," Grace giggled "Precisely! just because you're in a difficult situation does not mean you cannot try to make it another way" Mark ruffled her hair "I know I'm not gonna always be around to protect you so promise me... no matter what happens... you won't stop trying...? for me at least?" Mark rubbed Graces arms gently, Grace nodded her head

                                                                        "I promise I won't stop trying!"

? for me at least?" Mark rubbed Graces arms gently, Grace nodded her head                                                                         "I promise I won't stop trying!"

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The memories echoed through her mind, as the darkness kept her captured within its grasp... never to let go... after what seemed like hours of darkness, a light shined, and a door was opening, Grace thought it was death coming to take her away, but it was far worse, Vestul was there...
"hello there ... ~ come on now little Gracie~ you wouldn't want to miss your welcome party~"

                                                                                Welcome, Party?

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