Chapter 24 (Finale part 1)

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Mark stared at Kore, he looked so familiar...
"Uncle Michael....?" Mark said, making sure it really was him "...." Kore stared... He didn't want to face his past so soon, his mask cracked more, and he knew he had to answer... Truthfully "... yes..." Kore said, full of regret "But now's not the time to talk about what happened.. we need to focus on the task at hand" Mark was uneasy, he couldn't keep his emotions underwraps for too long, Grace looked at Kore, and saw half his face, was that really Michael?

All this time... Was it him? Kore couldn't stand looking at Grace's face, he turned away, Burstal ran to Grace and gave her the biggest hug "I'm so glad you're okay Gracie!!" Burstal exclaimed as he embraced Grace closer, Grace's cheeks flushed pink, but before she could return the embrace, Mark stepped in "And who are YOU?" Mark seemed skeptical, since well ... Burstal is an alternate.

Grace patted Mark on the arm "Don't worry! I trust him! he's helped me a lot."

 "Okay okay, wait a minute... So this alternate is a good guy???" Grace nodded her head " I'm not sure I trust him fully...he could be acting good to backstab you.." "You don't have to trust me, but just know that all I want is to keep Grace safe," Burstal said trying to sound confident but he was really nervous bc this was MARK HEATHCLIFF the older brother of Grace... It's almost like meeting her father if that makes any sense.

"Look we don't have time for this sweet reunion right now, we can ask questions later, right now we have to take Gabriel down or he's going to keep hunting Grace" Kore interrupted not even letting Johnny or Thatcher have a chance to say hi to Grace, Mark felt a jolt of annoyance hearing Kores voice, he was never there, and now he's suddenly here?? it didn't sit right with Mark, and his Short temper got the best of him "oh and now you actually care about us!" Mark yelled "... Mark now is not the time-" "DON'T YOU MARK ME!!! YOU ABANDONED US!!! ALL BECAUSE YOU WERE SCARED!!!"

It was loud again ... Just like when Adam and Jonah fought... Her hands started shaking, why do they hold so much anger inside? Is it necessary? Is the pain required? Her head rang she held her head in her hands, the yelling sounding drowned out after each word got louder and louder, her vision getting blurry as her ears rang,

"s...stop... Stop......" She begged but she wasn't loud enough, she then saw Gabriel, standing between them, but Mark and Kore still fought as if they didn't see him right there, her heart beat fast as he glided closer and closer... A pain shot through her back and into her heart, it hurt, it hurts IT HURTS!!!!!! Grace gasped in pain, she thought she was dying, Gabriel knelt down to her level "Grace~ Grace~ Graacceee~"

he spoke, Grace shut her eyes, Gabriel grabbed her shoulders, and she felt him grip her tight, "Grace? GRACE!" she heard a different voice this time and opened her eyes it was Johnny instead of Gabriel, he looked very worried for her, Grace looked around "I... I..." She stuttered, Johnny hugged her and rubbed her back "Shhhh shhhhhh ~ you're ok you're ok, you're just panicking" Johnny cooed trying to calm Grace down, Mark and Kore were still fighting Thatcher saw how panicked Grace was, and got really annoyed with mark, "will you just shut the FUCK UP ALREADY?! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR THIS????"

Thatcher yelled and Mark became quiet "And not to mention THIS ISN'T GOOD FOR GRACE TO HEAR! SO PUT YOUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE AND DISCUSS THIS ANOTHER FUCKING TIME!" Mark looked over at Grace and saw how bad it was, and immediately felt guilty, and so did Kore "...fine.." Mark agreed. "Good."

Adam and Jonah were just watching it all... they didn't know what to really say, but Adam saw all the bps members locked up and came up with an idea "Hey Kore." Adam started "What..?" "You say you wanna take down Gabriel, but us alone, we can't do that... but I have an idea." "what might that be?" Mark asked, and Adam pointed at the BPS members that were locked up "What about them? why don't we free them all and buy Grace enough time to do whatever she needs to do." Adam suggested, and Burstals eyes sparkled "They could be a distraction, it should Grace enough time to get into Gabriel's quarters and get the crucifix!" Burstal beamed "Wait.. why does Grace need to do this?" Mark asked being protective over his sister, and Burstal looked at Mark "...she's the only one who can." "but.....but she's just a kid!!" Mark tried protecting his sister from danger like he always had "....Mark...'s okay... I know how to handle myself I'll be okay"

Grace reassured Mark, and he knelt down to her level cupping her cheeks in his hands "I...I just don't wanna be apart from you again.. I was so scared for you.." Mark confessed, Grace smiled Gently and booped his nose "I'll be okay ... alright...? trust me... you won't lose me." Mark's demeanor softened "....alright sweetie..." he let her go and stood up "As long as someone makes sure you get there safely"

Burstal chimed in "I can sir." Mark looked at Burstal "...alright, I trust you. for now." Burstal nodded.

"so are we cool? we settled???" Adam asked, and Burstal nodded "Alrighty!!" Jonah exclaimed excitedly, and Jonah went into the middle of the room and whistled to get everyone's Attention "AHEM!!! ATTENTION ALL BPS MEMBERS!!!" the trapped BPS members gave their attention to Jonah, all confused about how he was able to get out the cage "WE ARE FREE!! BUT YOU HAVE A DUTY!! see, these pedestrians are defenseless against Gabriel and his forces, we need to band together and get these pedestrians out of here and back home!!"  "but even we weren't enough for his forces before... what makes you think we can still win..?" said one of the members "Well... WE DIDN'T HAVE AN ALTERNATE ON OUR SIDE DID WE?" Jonah exclaimed confidently as he pulled Burstal into the spotlight, and he stood there awkwardly, the bps members were a little surprised but seemed a little more confident "...Alright we'll help!" Jonah's eyes lit up "THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!!" Jonah patted Burstal on the back "Mind opening the cages bud?" Burstal nodded "Not at all my good sir." Burstal elongated his claws and slashed the cages open everyone was freed, and Mark turned to Grace "...listen, Grace, before I let you go.." he paused and Grace looked up at him "Hm..?" She was curious as to what he was going to say, Mark stared for a minute and took off his hoodie and gave it to her "I want you to wear this.. it will keep you safe and warm okay..?"

and he put it on her "But.....this is your favorite hoodie..." "Exactly why you should have it."
Mark patted her on the head "You're the best of us Grace, I know you'll do great, I want a part of me to be there with you..." Mark smiled at his little sister, how he didn't want to let her go, but alas, sometimes you must let birds fly.. one day or the next.

Grace nodded as she snuggled the hoodie.

"Alright gang everyone is freed now what is the plan, Gracie?" Jonah asked "Me??" "yes you, you're the one we're creating a distraction for!" Adam explained, "Ah....yeah right.." Grace thought for a moment, she looked over at Johnny and Thatcher then at Jonah and Adam "...alright I think I got something." and they all huddled around for the plan.

meanwhile with Sarah and Stanley, "Stanley thinks this isn't a good idea anymore lady Sarah!!" Stanley panicked "Why? it works doesn't it??" "...indeed it does... but... Stanley is afraid of the lord Gabriel!!" Stanley hid his face from Sarah in shame of his fear, Sarah sighed "Hey man, as long as we stick together I promise I won't let anything happen to ya!" Sarah smiled, and Stanley smiled back "Stanley is forever grateful for you lady Sarah!!!!" Stanley gave Sarah a hug

"ACK! t.. that's nice buddy c...can I breathe?" Sarah gasped for air, and Stanley let go and chuckled nervously "So sorry Lady Sarah!!!" Stanley apologized and Sarah gasped for air "It's alright buddy, now.." Sarah pressed a button as they were put inside a giant robot,  it had a glass dome as a head and giant machine guns for hands with golden bullets, it wasn't perfect but it was functional "Shall we storm this bitch?" Sarah beamed, and Stanley nodded "Indeed we shall Lady Sarah!!"

Vestul was standing in the throne room, he wasn't the Vestul we were all used to knowing.
the soft... kind Vestul... the one that reunited with his brother... "..are you okay..?" a voice asked, it was Cesar, talking to Vestul inside his head "....I'm honestly not sure." Vestul responded softly "...I can imagine that..." Cesar tried to reassure him "...I know how it feels you know.." Vestul started "How what feels..?" Cesar questioned "Being trapped in your body.. while something else controls you into things you'd never do. and there's nothing you can do but watch in horror as you see blood spill onto your hands... but hands that aren't even your own anymore." Vestul said darkly, he clearly wasn't doing well.
"...well I appreciate it." Cesar appeared as a white apparition and put a hand on Vestuls shoulder "At least you're stuck in it with me, and hey, at least you're nicer than the other one!" Cesar smiled, and Vestul smiled back "You humans sure do look on the bright side of on earth do you ever do it...?" "Well.. can't fix anything with a sour attitude, it's not motivating! you gotta say something positive or else... this is just... a shit show basically." Cesar Chuckled

Vestul chuckled as well "Right...heh..." Vestul felt a little better "Oh what's so funny~?" a chilling voice echoed in Vestuls head "...oh no... no no..." Vestuls posture tensed up "Not having all the laughs without me right?~" he said as he appeared as a jet-black apparition "Go away WORM." Vestul spat with hatred, Cesar hid behind Vestul from Worm, he had slicked-back hair in a small ponytail, He wore a suit tie, and had four eyes, all assort of different colors, his horns were uneven and had eyes on them, the rest of him was distorted into a dark foggy mess.

"heh~ still never know when to shut up, even when I'm asleep hmm?~" he grabbed Vestuls chin forcefully "ugh!" "still just a fucking child! pathetic, weak, and .... disobedient!" He threw Vestul to the ground Cesar shrieked and tried going to Vestul to help him up or make sure he was okay but Worm grabbed Cesar by the arm "and for the record, its VERMIS. NOT WORM." he looked at Cesar "hmmm.....~ maybe this will teach you Vestul to never forget your place." Vermis said as he gave Cesar a scratch scar across his face, it faded away but the pain was still there "AUGH!!" Cesar screamed in pain, Vestul looked back at the scene with tears streaming down his eyes, "LEAVE HIM ALONE VERMIS!" Vestul begged "Hmm? did you say my name properly for once?~ oh what a good boy! you learned your place it seems... very well...~" Vermis let Cesar go and Cesar hid behind Vestul in fear, Vestul stood up, appropriating his posture, to make sure he wouldn't hurt Cesar, but his tears didn't stop flowing, Vestul tried being strong but Vermis was right, he was just a pathetic weak little kid... he was still a kid.

Vermis made Vestul look at Lord Gabriel's throne "Look at that kid, to think you're going to be a part of the takeover...! All your dreams and wishes come true...! all of humankind eradicated and mimicked for us to indulge!~" Vermis spoke with Venom and bloodlust.

! all of humankind eradicated and mimicked for us to indulge!~" Vermis spoke with Venom and bloodlust

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"...stop." Vestul spoke "What was that?~" Vermis looked at him with poison in his eyes "I said stop, I don't want this!"

Vestul looked at Vermis with pure anger  "I don't want humans to die!!! and most importantly, I don't want YOU HERE ANYMORE!!!" Vestul yelled and Vermis cackled "You can't get rid of me!!!~" Vermis' voice dripped with Venom, and drool was trailing down his sharp crooked teeth, Vestul's face turned cold with anger he was no longer afraid "This is MY body you're in PARASITE! MINE! I know that if I die the human shall not perish, but if I perish, THEN YOU WILL ASWELL!!" Vestul yelled with anger "If you die? HAHAHA!!!!!! LIKE YOU HAVE THE BALLS!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!" Vermis cackled evilly "And plus! if you ever did die do you know what would happen, my sweet PATHETIC little prince?~" Vermis whispered "I'd be you. I'd take your identity, and no one will ever know you're gone. don't you see? I am already you." Vermis cackled "Then..... then... I'LL KILL YOU!!" "You cannot kill what is already a part of you! for if you do, you shall perish as well~" Vestuls face grew with anger "I CARE NOT IF I PERISH! I CARE IF THE HUMAN SUFFERS!" Vestul yelled, "I do not think you want to take the chance if none of us know the results of the human's demise~" Vermis whispered as Vestuls face contorted into horror, and Vermis cackled as he forced himself into control, the Vestul we all knew this whole time was here, he cracked his neck "ah..~ it feels good to be awake."

soon after that whole event, Burstal stepped in to initiate the plan "Ah dear brother of mine~ you've arrived to save your dearest Princess, have you?~" Vestul teased evilly "...I care not for your game's imposter, I know you are not my brother." Burstal said with hatred "ah yes! I recall you met your real brother a few days ago hm?~ how was the bitter reunion~? I sure hope you savored it! it's the last time you will ever hear his voice~"

Burstals face grew with anger "Silence WORM! I will take you down! you and Gabriel's Reign of terror end's here!" Burstal spoke valiantly "Oh ~? you and what army?" Vestul snickered, and Burstal smirked and snapped his fingers "This one." as he said that the whole BPS organization showed up behind Burstal equipped with weapons, ready to fight, this startled Vestul quite a bit but he quickly went back on his feet "well... can't I expected that, very well brother of mine~ if you wish to duel on equal ground... then we shall duel~" Vestul stomped the ground two times and a bunch of portals opened as alternates climbed through, they're bodies all formless and void, deformed and janky, ready and armed for battle.
"shall we?"
"we shall."
a battle commenced between them all, Burstal got lost in the crowd of BPS members and he grabbed Grace "cmon Grace, I know where Gabriel's quarters are." Grace nodded and she followed Burstal they went to the halls, and a parade of Alternates Stormed the hall going to fight for Vestul, Burstal and Grace had to hide behind the walls so they wouldn't get spotted, finally the arrived at the quarters, and Burstal opened the door "...what do I do once I'm inside...?" "..I don't know... but I'm sure once something happens you'll know.." Burstal gave her a reassuring smile, he was nervous of letting her go, as soon as she stepped in side he spoke up "hey.. before you go.." "hm..?" she turned to face him, her eyes shining brightly, he was scared that he was never going to see her again incase something went wrong but he let it go "... becareful okay?" , and Grace smiled "I'll be ok!" Burstal smiled back and closed the door, and there it was... the Crucifix, on a pedestal, infront of Grace as if it where waiting for her right there.

{Video time}

{Creds all me!}

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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