Chapter 17

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Kore was passed out on the floor.. blood dripping on his head.. as he saw Vestul.. the fake Vestul, walk out of the tomb in a rush... why did he ever agree to watch over an unstable person..? he should have just played pokemon..... or watched Pokemon... like damn why... and this bleeding head is an inconvenience, to say the least.

Burstal lay unconscious, Johnny was very much awake. and restless.
the only Girl he ever considered family. gone.

memories of his Father have flooded in...
"mommy left because of you brat" he would yell at Johnny.
"yes, father... I know"
"you'll never be shit, Johnny!"
"I know father.."
"you're just like your mother Johnny... weak.. soft... and USELESS!"

"yes, father."

Johnny clenched his fist... he found someone who was like family to him... and now.. she's gone.. she's.. gone.....

She's gone.. she's gone...

' papa.'
' papa......'
that word mocked him... papa... he'd always wanted a kid of his own but was so scared of becoming like his dad that he never went after any women despite his heart desperately yearning for a home..for a family... and now it was ripped right away from him.

he broke a book in half. he was angry... he was going to get her back.
he shook Burstal awake "boy, wake up!" Johnny exclaimed waking Burstal up
"what.....oh god.... she's gone..............." Burstal looked at the empty room "I'm sorry...." Burstal looked down and he felt so much guilt weighing down on him
"It's not your fault." Johnny reassured "I was just so sure I could've kept her safe here" Burstal looked at Johnny with concern "... You loved her.. didn't you?" Burstal asked "..of course, I did... How could I not? She was like my very own daughter... That I've never had... she was mine to protect.. to guide.. to love.. to raise... And now... she's not here" Johnny looked down tears forming in his eyes "all I ever wanted was to give her the best life possible..." Johnny shed tears onto his hands as he grieved the kidnapping of his beloved adopted Daughter.. the only one who had brought him real joy.....
The only one besides his brother that made him feel like family.

"We can't sit around though... We have to save her!" Burstal gave Johnny a pat on the back, and Johnny looked up, with a little hope in his eyes "I know where Gabriel's headquarters is based. I can take us there, but we can't go alone." Burstal explained "...I know someone who we can bring along" Johnny got his coat and gun "who?" Burstal asked "my Brother, Thatcher Davis."

Johnny went into his car and invited Burstal, a literal gigantic Alternate into a Police car "Uhm... I don't think I can fit sir." Burstal explained, "well you have a human form.. isn't it smaller??" Johnny asked "oh yeah... but then my human counterpart will be mainly in control" "oh damn... wait Grace said you guys take turns" Johnny was confused "yeah but me taking the human form can wake him... so he might take control from me if he becomes excited" Burstal Explained "well I'm not making you chase my car." Johnny said sternly, Burstal sighed and transformed into the human form, and got in the car.

" Johnny said sternly, Burstal sighed and transformed into the human form, and got in the car

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the drive to the house was awkward and quiet... they were both processing what just happened... Johnny then asked the big question
"so..... ya like my daughter?" Johnny chuckled, and Burstal went red "I...I..." he stammered, and Johnny laughed "It's no use hiding it Burstal, I can see how you look at her." he smiled "...she's just... so pure... yet so damaged...but she still tries her best to smile and be hopeful... I admire that in a person..." Burstal said, "heh.. that's sweet." Johnny smiled "...not to mention she's just TOO CUTE TO EXIST!" Burstal exclaimed flustered hiding his face in his hands, Johnny laughed at that
"hahaha!!! well.. she seems to like you as well... but right now it's not a good time seeing the circumstances we're facing." Johnny explained "but don't worry. you seem like a nice kid... so I approve" Johnny gave Burstal a thumbs up "thanks, old man." Burstal teased, and Johnny did a fake shocked expression "GASP! how dare yoU!?" Johnny teased back laughing, the two laughed and bantered the whole car ride to Thatcher's house.

they arrived at his house and were trying to calm themselves down since this was going to be a serious situation...
Thatcher couldn't sleep, and when he saw a cop car pull up to his house he knew it was his brother, his brother was the only one who knew he was alive, and especially after an alternate stole his identity and caused chaos, everyone assumed he was dead... but not Johnny, mainly because Johnny wouldn't accept it.

but something was different, an alternate had followed him, Johnny didn't seem to have noticed him in the car with him.. Thatcher grabbed his gun desperate to keep his little brother safe.
Johnny knocked on the door as the alternate stood behind him... Thatcher opened the door and pointed his gun at Burstal "GO AWAY DEMON!!!" he exclaimed "WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! Thatcher!! brother... dude... he's friendly don't worry.. don't worry!" Johnny said trying to calm Thatcher down, Burstal just stared blankly " know guns don't really kill... alternates... right??? at least not normal guns." Burstal explained, "so even if I wasn't friendly and you shot me you and Johnny would still die." Thatcher stared " one likes a smartass." Thatcher rolled his eyes "but you say he's friendly.... so... I trust you." he put his gun down "now Johnathan, what's up?" "...the Alternates Got Grace..." Johnny muttered, holding back tears, Thatcher's eyes went wide...

"they.......took Grace....?" Thatcher had a sorrowful look in his eyes...

it was the 3rd day that Johnny had Grace, and Johnny really couldn't stay home and take care of her when he was on demand, and all the babysitters he had hired had injured Grace even more, so he called the only person he could trust who wasn't on as much of a demand as he was, Thatcher
"Davis!!! hey!!!! brother!!!"
"Hello, Johnny"
"hey man, I need a favor..."
"what's up, man?"
"I have a child--"
"you finally got a wife and kids? I'm surprised I wasn't invited to the wedding."
"haha.. very funny. you know I would have invited you."
"so you adopted a child or something?"
"uhm... kind of...??? I just found her injured and took her in and I guess I'm kind of her parent...?"
"wow, how are you gonna manage that being on constant demand?"
"yeah that's the thing, I can't take care of her while she's injured, and seeing how you're not in as much demand as I am I was wondering ...--"
"I'll be over.."
"oh my god thank you so much! you're the best!!!!"
"no problem, uh is your house locked?"
"yeah the key is inside one of my potted plants"
"could've left under the welcome matt.."
"That's just unsafe!! and cliche"
"agreed.. aight I'll be over in 10"
"Okay! once again thank you so so SO much!!!"
"you're welcome."

--line hangup--

Thatcher yawned as he rubbed his eyes, and he got dressed "guess I'm an uncle now.. kind of.. exciting." he left his house and locked up, driving to Johnny's house he arrived at the front door and grabbed the key inside the potted plant and unlocked the door.
Grace looked tired.. she couldn't sleep from the pain... at least not properly, Grace seemed scared that someone she didn't know was in the house and tried to run away despite the pain "hey hey hey!! don't run I'm not an intruder I promise" Thatcher said trying to calm Grace down, Grace then stopped trying to get away

"didn't Johnny tell you I was gonna be here?" Grace just stared " you talk??" Grace nodded her head "ah... then talk? it'd be easier for me to understand you." "....h...hi.." Grace spoke softly "hello child, I am Thatcher Davis, I'm the Brother of Johnny, the cop that's taking care of you, what is your name?" "...Grace... Heathcliff.." Grace said again softly, Thatcher smiled.. her soft nature was adorable "well it's nice to meet you Grace... why are you scared to speak?" "...Alternates.." "oh...I'm just going to assume trauma then..." Thatcher patted her head gently, and Grace smiled "aww... I can see why Johnny likes you so much, you're adorable!" he pinched her cheeks, and she giggled... Thatcher's heart melted
maybe... this wouldn't be a headache to do... he might actually be good at this uncle thing after all.

{present day}

Thatcher was heartbroken... and angry "where did they take her...?" Thatcher clenched his fists "I know where it's Gabriel's lair ..." Burstal explained, "hm... why me..?" "You survived an alternate, you could help us!" Johnny exclaimed, "...I don't know.. one encounter has left me broken enough.." "please Thatcher... I need you... I know you care about her as well." Johnny begged "'re right... I do care about her... I'll help. but we need more people than just... three." "Don't worry Mr. Thatcher, I've got friends." "Are they Alternate's like you?" Thatcher asked "yeah actually" "let's go get them then"

Burstal led them to where they had a hideout, the cave where the Real Gabriel was kept... but when they walked in, Kore was on the floor, injured. and K.K was hiding behind the real Gabriel who was unharmed.

"holy shit."

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