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     I don't remember our fight. We must have fought, right?

All I know is that the world was caving in on me. My feet couldn't move, stuck to the ground like cement. My body felt tense and my muscles ached. I tried to yell for help, but my voice was stuck too. My eyes began to go like someone was pressing their hands to block my sight.

Someone help me!

Time didn't seem to pass at all. There was a faint sound, like rocks hitting the ground. My vision slowly started to come back but what I saw was not the same.

I was in some sort of structure, standing on a pretty stage. Vines were overgrowing everywhere, taking the spotlight away from the beautiful flowers.

My legs began to tremble. I took my first step forward in what felt like ages. How long has it been anyways?

There was a gate in the distance, it was old and worn. I wanted to get out of this creepy place as fast as possible so I ran as fast as I could. It felt so freeing, the wind wiping my air around and my feet hitting the soft grass. Past the gate was a giant forest, and this silver thing with wheels.

The thing hit a blasting ray of light into my eyes, and I blocked it with my hands. It drove off into the forest leaving me alone.

My hands started to tighten up, and there was this pain in my stomach urging me to follow the car.

"To break your curse you must have a true love's kiss with the man who awakened you by the next season." A memory whispered to me.

I was going to do anything to break this god-awful curse, so I followed the car.


I knew the boy who awakened me lived in the blue house. I felt this weird pull like maybe the curse was guiding me. At least he lived somewhere nice.

I saw him climb up a tree into a window on the second floor, which looked open. I could see the beige curtains flowing around in the wind.

The tree looked rough and barely sturdy. But I climbed anyway. The bark felt terrible against my bare feet and hands and one of the branches tore a small hole into my dress.

 I reached the tallest branch, not daring to look down. I couldn't get scared now. It was too tiny to fully be able to touch the window. I had to jump across.

Breathe in, breathe out. You got this.

I took a running start and jumped off the branch. My feet weren't able to catch the ledge, but I quickly held on to it with my hands.

I felt my fingers slipping off, but I pull myself up with all my strength. I caught onto the wooden desk that was by the window, my torso still sprawled on the window frame.

I put my left leg up into the window, finally getting in. I jumped off the desk which caused the ugly lampshade to topple over to the ground. It caused a loud noise, and I ducked at the frame of the bed.


Lady in Stoneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن