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TW: mentions drugs and partying. click off if needed.


     The air conditioning was on full blast, making a soft vibration. My sneakers sat on the black dashboard, and Steven drummed his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel.

"Where is this girl?" Steven asked, looking out the passenger window to spot her coming out of the door. Jake yawned in the backseat.

"She's probably still getting ready. You know how girls are." I insisted. The lock clicked and the front door opened, revealing Adelia in a white satin bodycon dress. In her arms was my black leather jacket.

I could practically hear their surprise. 

"Dang, she's gorgeous." Said a captivated Jake.

Adelia slipped into the backseat of the car, glowing at all the attention she was getting. The car revved and we drove onward to the party.


Steven put the car in park and I inspected Rebecca's house. It was a beige color made out of stone, with two white garages. It was your basic upper-middle-class home. People were hanging outside, making out, or doing drugs. Or both.

Adelia and Jake were chatting in the back, and he must have asked for her handle on every social media on the planet. She tried to laugh it off but I could tell she wasn't that interested in him because her eyes flickered around away from his.

"We're here lovebirds," Steven said.

We piled out of the car towards the door. Adelia almost gagged at someone throwing up on the grass. Jake chuckled at her disgust.

"You've never seen a drunk dude before?" Jake smiled at her. He pushed back his ugly light brown hair to draw attention to his pretty green eyes and she noticed.

She whispered something in his ear that made him blush, and walked into the house.

"What did she say to you?" Steven asked, pulling down his sunglasses to get a better look at his red face.

Jake shook his head, walking in after her. Steven started to laugh his ass off, tearing up. I shrugged walking in.

The party was popping, or off the hook? I don't know, but a ton of people from our school were there. Freshmen and Seniors alike dance and sing to the latest pop song. It was a breeding ground for trouble.

I looked around the fancy living room, picking out the faces to find Olivia. Our eyes locked from across the room. She was sitting on a grey couch with Rebecca and her other friends, they all had red solo cups full of beer and were drunkenly waving their arms to the song. She sat up, walking over to me. 

I planted a kiss on her lips and she wrapped her hands around my neck. 

"Hey there," She said. Her hair smelled like roses, the shampoo that she used every day but never seemed to get old in my eyes. I smiled when I turned my head and saw her beautiful face looking into mine.  "Let's dance."

She waved her hips and arms around to the music, but I couldn't get into it. I had a mission, but not only that, I felt a little shocked. What the hell have I just gone through?

She was a statue, then turned into a girl just from one kiss. Then that guy... there was something about him that freaked me out, but why was he with my sister?

With a few drinks into my system, I felt like my trembling heart came to a steady beat. I told Olivia I had to go the restroom but instead, I was on the hunt for Adelia. 

I found her upstairs, talking to Jake and some other guy. Looking closer in the dim light, I could see that she and Jake were holding hands. I felt bad for doubting her but I didn't trust her to make a guy fall for her. She just seems so casual about the situation.

Around midnight, I decided it was time to go. We hauled ass into the car, but it seemed like we were all a little tipsy besides Adelia. Jake dropped us off in good condition, and she kissed him on the cheek as a goodbye.

When his car was gone, I asked Olivia, "How's the plan going?" 

"Fine. Jake's alright. He should be in love with me by tomorrow." She said. I almost jumped for joy. She could go back to wherever she came from, and I could get my summer back with Olivia.

I guess I was a lot drunker than I thought I was because I couldn't seem to get the front door opened. She smiled and gave a little giggle, and helped me out.

We got inside my room without anyone suspecting a thing, and I unwrapped an old sleeping bag for Adelia. She seemed to look comfortable, so I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

I hope this works out.

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