Chapter 2

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Three kids were in their own home. A rundown hideout in the countryside of Gotham.

These kids were the clever and hardworking Calvin O'Keeffe, the beautiful and adventurous Sam Pan and the naive and prodigious Charles Wallace Murry.

At that moment, they were playing a game of gin rummy. 

Charles Wallace was taking a long time to take his turn.

"Come on, buddy. Take your turn" said Calvin.

"Any time this week, Charlibus" said Sam.

"I know!" Charles Wallace laughed. 

Then he put a card down and Sam took her turn.

"Gin!" she snapped.

"What? Already?" said Charles Wallace.

"I'll add 'em up, boys. It's like shooting fish in a barrel" said Sam.

"I never understood that whole shooting fish in a barrel thing. Why do people have to be so violent?" said Calvin.

"Well, never underestimate a man's dumb desire to shoot at something, Cal" said Sam.

"Yeah, we've seen plenty of crooks do that. Boy, am I glad we live in Gotham City where it's safe" said Charles Wallace.

"You said it, bud. Kids like us could be killed out there with all those crooks hanging around" Sam agreed.

Charles Wallace's sister, Meg then came in and said "It's the Warrior siren, guys".

"Oh boy! That means somebody needs the Three Warriors!" said Charles Wallace.

"It sure does, little buddy. To the Changing Tree!" said Calvin.

The three hurried across their yard into the Changing Tree and put on their skin-tight uniforms of different colors.

Calvin- red

Sam- green

Charles Wallace- blue

"We are ready to begin Warrior-ing" said Charles Wallace.

"Not so fast there, buddy! First, we gotta recite the Three Warriors oath! Arms in, Warriors" said Sam.

The kids put their arms in and delivered their famous oath.

Calvin: Any time!

Charles Wallace: Any place!

Sam: The Three Warriors..

All: Are on the case!

"Now let's see where the Finder Flag wants us to go" said Calvin.

The Finder Flag always told the kids where to go when someone needed their help.

This time, the picture on the flag showed Gotham Police Headquarters.

"To Gotham Police Headquarters!" said Calvin.

"Pixie dust!" said Sam.

She sprinkled her friends in pixie dust and up they went.

The Three Warriors flew to headquarters and joined Batman and Robin. 

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