Chapter 3

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Batman was reading the riddle the officers found.

"Why is an orange like a bell?" he said.

"Answer: Because they both must be peeled" said Robin.

"Why, yes! You peel an orange and you peal a bell! Get it?" said Charles Wallace. 

"What idiots we are! Why couldn't we have worked that out?" said Chief O'Hara.

"But what does it mean?" said Sam.

"Well, Sam, it's one of the Riddler's riddles. It could only mean..." Commissioner Gordon began.

"Right, Commissioner. There's a problem" said Batman.

"What kind of problem?" said Sam.

"Well, we all know how this quizzical criminal operates. He deliberately leaves clues to confound us" said Batman.

"Clues which may or may not lead to the real crime he's planning" said Robin.

"So, in other words, he wants us to know what he's doing?" said Calvin.

"Precisely, Calvin. The Riddler contrives his plots like artichokes. You have to strip off spiny leaves to reach the heart" said Batman.

"But surely, Batman, there must have been some sort of political plot against Moldavia. That exploding cake..." said Commissioner Gordon.

"A mere ruse, Commissioner. A clever device to make you call me in" said Batman.

"But why would the Riddler want that? Doesn't he know you're against crime, Batman?" said Sam.

"Certainly he does, Sam" said Batman.

"The Riddler's mind is twisted. Crime's no fun for him unless it means outwitting us" said Robin.

"Robin's right. He has a strange artistic compulsion to..." Batman began.

"Wait! Batman... did you just say artistic?" said Calvin.

"Yes. Why?" said Batman.

"I just thought of something" said Calvin.

"What, me boy?" said Chief O'Hara.

"The meaning of that riddle. The Peale Art Gallery" said Calvin.

"Of course! It's a store house of priceless art treasures" said Inspector Basch.

"Just the Riddler's meat" said Chief O'Hara.

"Devilishly clever thinking, Calvin" said Charles Wallace.

"Alright, Calvin!" Sam cheered.

"Call out your boys, chief! Stake out that Peale Art Gallery like you would a circus tent" Commissioner Gordon ordered.

"Yes sir!" said Chief O'Hara.

"Not so fast, men; wait. The Riddler's up to something tricky. Better let us handle this. It smells like a trap" said Batman.

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