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(We are all the heroes of our own stories but we can never forget we are also the villians of someone else's.)
-My Best Friend Floyd

After our many wars, the humans of the world found a second earth. That they named Earth 2. People left in shuttles to this distance planet that was out of our solar system. This started another war among the people that were greedy for power. Many of the natives to this new planet watched as they killed each other off. As they years passed only very few humans survived. The ones that survived lived in peace but never seen again. The people of the land arose to take ownership over the planet once again. The Earth 2 was broken up into different area's where each mystic being could live. The new Earth was soon called Zamora. Everyone lived in harmony. All the people of the land broke the lands up into several different areas, and there was seven elders. Which were the seven that lived way before the wars and knew what damage the humans did. But even so these elders took pity on the humans for they did not understand love.

Omega- was the oldest and the leader he is was an elf. He had ownership over the what was called the harvest lands. In which everyone came to him for vegetation. The elves that lived in the harvest area of Zamora. There the elves lived and each possessed a power.

Beta- He was the second in command and is the toughest. His people lead there area that was ment for those how are of great strength. The people there did lack brains but not strength.

Chaos- He was the third elder in command. His people were able to hold fire into there hands and helped with the volcanic action on there village.

Aqua- she was the fourth and nicest is elder in command. Her people resembled those of mermaids but any all had fins. They were the protectors of the waters, and creatures of the seas.

Smoke- He was the fifth and most mysterious elder of all. His village was on the Ilse of the fog. No one knew much about him or his people. Only that they were very talented in the agility of stealth.

Night- He was the most jealous of all the elders. He lived off fear from the people that lived in his village. Most of his people left due to this fear. Many of them were the last humans. Tho he never told anyone.

Last but not least the youngest elder was Hope.

She is the youngest to be an elder and is also an Oracle to many of the people in her village of fairies.

It wasn't long before the people of the village showed more love and praise to the youngest elder. The other elders did not mind this except one! Night he was furious. He wanted all the people to praise him and fear him.
He became over jealous of Hope. He had a meeting in private with the other elders. He tried to manipulate the others to turn them away from Hope and to disown her as an elder. They looked at night and frowned upon him. Omega stood and spoke. " I think you have forgotten we are all one in this world. Brothers and sisters. Our entire coexistence depends upon the village of people that are in that town."
Omega sat and left chaos speak.
"Don't get me wrong I love a good war as much as the next person. Now what your asking is to do something for your own selfish needs. I'm sorry but I can't side with you on this."
As chaos sat, smoke looked pissed at night. Aqua cried and then Beta spoke.
"Listen night I have a better Idea how about we have you leave the elders circle because you have forgotten about compassion for the humans and our love for all. Until you have learned how to love and that hate has destroyed more then anything you may never come back."
Night did not like this at all.
"I'll be back rest assure and I will rule over you all! And Hope will die!" He said storming out the door. No one ever saw him since. No-one knows if he will ever return to take revenge on Hope. She is now much older and the people have stopped looking up to the elders. Without people to look up to them there nothing. Soon there will all cease to exist in this world. There powers will vanish and they will be a distance memory.

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