the aqua village

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Aqua village

Upon jinx awaking he sensed his team ready for him. Nothing in the world was going to prepare him from what was about to happen next.

"Wake up sleepy head the ship is ready." Sophia said smiling. Jinx rubbed his eyes and rose up from his bed. He got washed up and grabbed his staff.
Soon enough our hero's left the warm village chaos, On the giant ship that was provided for them to get to the aqua village. Only so many people have ever been to the aqua Village due to the fact that it was all under water. Inferno still kept his distance from the others. It wasn't that Inferno was shy, he was just having trouble connecting with people that were different than he was. Sophia saw him looking lonely and walked over towards him. As she was approaching him he looked up and saw her beautiful face. Her majestic bluish white hair flowed in the air on the ship. Inferno could feel himself feeling attracted towards her. She sat herself beside him.

"Hey I'm Sophia. That was great fighting out there. Most likely the best I've ever seen." she said smiling at inferno. He never had anyone ever be that kind towards him ever.

"Thank you. Your very beautiful and sweet, And I'm sure you've heard this all before." He said taking her hand and kissing it gently. For that brief moment Sophia had her eyes open to love. Most of her people were wise some even, very powerful. None of them really understood love as much as the youngest Elder hoped did. She blushed and giggled. Sophia slowly leaned in and kissed inferno on the cheek. He became more red then ever. Jinx and Athena could see the spark between them.

"Jinx you no worry. Someone will love you too someday." Athena told him patting him on the back.

"Your right lets give them time." jinx said to her as they went to under dock of the ship to figure out how to get to the aqua village. Deep down inside he was heartbroken, but he knew that deep inside he was still human. Also that no demigod beings like these would ever learn to love the human again. Even though humans longed for love to.
Sophia looked into infernos eyes. She put her fingers through his black hair.

"I never felt this way before." he said to Sophia blushing and feeling silly about it.

"Me neither but I like it. Do you? Do you like me?!" Sophia said smiling with her hand rubbing his face. The two of them talked for hours. That was until night fall. Everyone had fell asleep, Everyone except jinx. He was still awake. He walked out on the starboard side of the ship. He saw Sophia and inferno lying together asleep. He felt a dagger hit his heart. He knew it was to good to be true. No one could love a weak blind boy. Yes a boy! Was what was going though his mind. Tears began to fall. Then he felt an anger hit him hard. It was an anger like he never knew. As he looked down at his hands, he saw his veins turning green like tree vines. He wanted to yell in fear, but was to scared to wake the others. He started felling his body like a tree.
Sophie awoke from her sleep to see jinx looking like he did on the battle field. She walked up to him.

"Jinx you can't let the evil inside control you." Sophia said as jinx looked at her with his eyes pure white.

"Jinx is no longer in control. There is nothing anyone can do." An eerie voice said inside of jinx. Sophia was scared. Was there nothing she could do.
Within seconds jinx dropped to the ground. He was normal once again.

"What happened? And wait?! What is that beautiful singing?" Jinx said looking hypnotized. Moment's later inferno was hypnotized as well. Sophia was confused she could not hear anything.
Athena looked at Sophia and pointed in front of them.
Soon it all made sense. Fog and water was all around them.

"We must be in the aqua village." Sophia said while helping Athena. They were trying to keep the guys from falling over board. The boat stopped and a big water siren appeared. It was the most impressive thing she ever saw.

"You four must be the chosen. Please take these necklaces and follow me under water to my kingdom." she said very gentle to them handing the necklaces that were braided with a glowing shell.
Sophia and Athena and jinx and inferno placed them on and followed her.
Down into the ocean they followed her. The necklaces allowed them to breath underwater. Jinx and inferno liked this.
Aqua took them to the village of the mere people. The ocean floor was beautiful.
Aqua introduced them to marina. Her hair was clear as white as foam on water and her eyes as blue as the sea. Jinx locked eyes with her instantly. She locked eyes with him too.
The group all introduced themselves to her. When it came to jinx he walked up to her and shook her hand. She blushed and so did jinx.

"Well since you all had a long journey to get here why don't you all join us for the feast." Aqua said to them leading them to the buffet hall. The room was filled with bright colorful coral. Jinx could feel love in the room. All the mermaid people were laughing and having such a great time. It took him to the time from when he was young. As he sat down he was served food instantly. They food looked different to him. He was unsure of eating it. The others not so much.

"That is purple seaweed very good." said marina sitting next to him. She was very close to him. He became nervous.

"Uh. Thank you." Jinx said nervously at marina.

"I have never met any like you before." Marina said at him blushing at jinx.

"Like me?" Jinx said confused all at once.

"You know the humans, they all died off 11yrs ago." Marina said seriously looking at jinx.


"Well come with me and I'll show you. We have a big tapestry of there history." marina told him getting him up from the table as he was eating. He still had food in his mouth and she took him through lots of hallways.
Jinx was getting dizzy till they stopped.

"Whoa! Is this it?" jinx asked as he saw the huge tapestry. It stretched as longer then anything he had ever seen.

"This is the beginning and near the end is where we are." Marina said pointing everything out for him.

"The writing is strange can you translate?" Jinx said looking at all the wording.

"Oh yes! I thought you knew how to."  Marina replied smiling at jinx.

"No its elder script no one but elders can read it." jinx said as marina began to read.

"All the elements of earth began with a single luck from humans. There curiosity for more meaning in life helped grow our existence. Each elder was formed by the humans of Roman times and as they grew they became worshiped and praised. Each as young were raised by a magical human. The father of all elders Merlin. Though the humans out casted him as a wizard he loved the humans. Though as time went one of the elders seek help from an evil wizard named Morgana. She was the sister of Merlin and wanted his plans to fail. She soon named her apprentice Night. He was to be hated by all and feared as well. Merlin knew that he had to act fast and created with the last of his magic an elder with his heart he named her Hope. For she was humanity's last call. He trained her and the others well. And on the night of all hallows eve morgana and Night attacked the humans! Night tried to persuade them to join him. They refused and ultimately banished him. Night angry went to the kings castle as a shadow. Kilt the king and queen. But noticed a small child." marina paused as she saw jinx starting to cry. "He walked towards the child and cursed the child to not have sight. Night did not kill the child but left it for dead. He left the kingdom killing all the humans in sight. He thought he won.
Hope was still young and searched for any humans left but found none. Till she heard the cry of the child. She found the baby nursed it back to health. She and the others agreed the child was indeed cursed with an evil power that made it blind. So hope took the child and raised never telling of its horrible fate. She in return as merlin to name the child on his dying bed. The child's name was Jinx the cursed one." she froze holding her hands over her mouth. Jinx was angry and sad at the same time and cried. He walked away from marina. She caught up with him. "I'm so sorry I didn't know."

"It's fine I knew there was more to me. I'm a curse. How am I to lead everyone now?" He said sadden again. Marina kissed him gently on his lips and he felt a shock.

"Because it is not how your story starts but how you finish it!" she said holding his hand walking back to the banquet hall. Jinx felt a little more at ease with her having his back. He still knew that the evil that the tapestry talked about was still inside him.

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