land of the Forgotten

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Jinx lied there in the recovery, room of the fog village. Surrounded by nurses. The room he was in was not very bright. It would remind you of a something from a nightmare. Jinx had no idea why he was strapped to the bed.

"It would help if you stopped moving. Trust me last time I was strapped I couldn't get free." The voice said as he looked to see mist standing at the edge of his bed.

"Why am I here?!" Jinx said confused due to the fact he forgot what happened. Mist was a bit surprised and sat beside his bed side.

"You know not many people can make the dragon, appear from their spirit. So I know who you are then." She paused briefly and looked at jinx. She leaned in close to his face. Her short dark hair, gave way to her shining green eyes. "You are the chosen one. The one of legend, that possesses the power of Hope." She said softly as almost kissing jinx. She got up and smiled at him. "I will be honored to join your team though. You have a cuteness to you." She said walking off out the room.
This lead jinx to be quite confused. He had never had someone on his team so mysterious and pushy.

"Ah jinx it seems you are awake. Good. Listen I know you may not have no memory of what happened out there yesterday, but you must learn to control it. You have great power in you. I now see what Hope saw in you." Smoke said releasing the straps from jinx bed.

" I don't even know if I can defeat Night! Everyone talks about how strong I am but I feel weaker then anything. How can I beat someone when I don't feel that strong?!" Jinx said getting up from the bed. He was doubting himself. He was feeling less confident than ever in his entire life. Not only did he have the weight of the world on his shoulder's, but weight of his Compadres as well.

As our heroes set out they took a break at the woods of the Forgotten. These woods were especially scarce to those that had fear in their hearts. For this was the Borderlands of nights village.
Jinx glanced at his teammates and prayed that they all had the strength to defeat night. All of them were scared but too afraid to admit it. They looked at each other on the Borderlands of nights Village. It was something out of a medieval story book. The trees were twisted Black and no leaves. Nothing grew there all you could hear was the he howling winds. To be able to defeat night they would not only have to be strong but brave as well.

"Hey guys if we don't make it out alive it was nice at least being friends with you all." Jinx said to his team taking in a deep breath as they all walked into the forgotten lands. Inferno looked and smiled at jinx. For inferno met someone that was able to accept him for who he was. Sophia glanced over and smiled as well. Athena was a bit still in her own world to realize what was going on. After all her people don't know fear.

"Something is not right." Mist said stopping everyone. Jinx looked at her as her facial expression was serious.

"What's wrong?! Did you hear something?!" Jinx said.

"No. I didn't. I just feel really tired which is not normal." She said looking at the others. They were all yawning. All of them but jinx. He grabbed mist as she fell to the ground. "I don't feel good at all. Something is wrong." Mist said closing her eyes. Jinx slowly laid her on the ground. The area soon filled with fog. Jinx became worried as his friends disappeared from sight.

"Welcome hero to all. I mean you are a bit late, but I guess its ok." The voice said in the deep darkness of fog. As the tall dark figure came into view jinx felt every inch of himself tremble. It was night! His eyes glowed red that of blood. His hair stood tall like a fog waving in the wind that blew. His cloak looked as if it was made of the skins of his enemies, or at least their soul's. " I finally get to meet you after all these years. I wondered why hope had seen so much in you?! Then again she has seen so much hope in so many others. That's why she was loved among all the people. Sad that they all had to die though." Night said as Jinx grasp his fist tight in anger.

"Have you any idea what it's like to live with no family then have them taken away from you!! The only family you know be kilt! To have to make it on a journey as the only odd person of all of them!! Do you have any idea what it's like to feel…."

"ALONE!! Yes I know exactly how it feels to be alone! while everyone else is out there all happy joyous living their lives. None of them decided to say and think how I felt to be alone! No I was mocked and left. So you want to know true honesty of what it feels like to be alone?! yes I know how it feels. That's why I'm going to only ask you this once. I want you to join me. I will make you be praised by many. They will adore you. Though many will be feared by you, no one would dare mock you." Night said now face to face with jinx. He knew Jinx's fear and was going to use it anyway he could.

" So if I join you I become evil just as you, get people hate and fear me?! I don't think that's what hope had in store for my life. So that's going to be a little bit of a deal-breaker for me. Especially since you're torturing my friends" Jinx said now more angrier than ever night looked at him and had a smirk on his face as he now circled around jinx

"Fine let's have a little fun then. Each of your friends are on different parts of the island. All fighting their own fears. If you can somehow help each one of them fight their fears, I won't kill them they'll be free to leave. If you can't I will take their souls and yours, and they will be mine forever." Night Said to him looking at him smiling with a cackling laugh in his voice.

"Fine I'll take your deal!" Jinx said so very sure of himself.

"By the way you only have till dawn which is in 3hours from now to do it. Good luck hero." He said disappearing in the shadows.
Jinx began to think this was a bad idea now. Well there was nothing he could about this now. He had to go find them some how and save them.

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