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It wasn't finding Inferno that was going to be the hard part it was trying to help him in facing his worst fear. Jinx had no idea what was in store for him or Inferno at this moment. For jinx everything seemed aimed at failure. There in the distance he saw him. Inferno was fighting for his life! He was up against a woman of ice!! Inferno's face was tired and torn. He had nothing left to him to fight. Jinx raced over to help him.

"Wait?! What are you doing here?!" Inferno said as his body was almost completely frozen solid. Jinx went and pulled out his staff, there was no way now that jinx was going to allow someone to kill his friend.
Even if the two of them have not seen eye-to-eye he was still a teammate, he did not deserve to be tortured.

""I think it's time to switch ice to fire!" Jinx said, raising his staff above his head. With a smirk appearing in the corner of his mouth, a great flash of light rose. The ice queen was in shock; never had she seen such power. Inferno was almost completely frozen. Jinx knew time was not on his side at that moment. As the light above him intensified, he felt a surge of energy through his body. His arms turned to a shiny green and his eyes glowed brightly. He was no longer in control. His staff swung and shattered the ice around Inferno. They looked at each other and smiled. They knew what had to be done. Inferno thrust his hands down and they ignited into a burst of flames. Inferno smiled and started shooting flames at the queen. Jinx started swinging his staff and blue flames shot out. Although our heroes had slowly defeated the queen of ice, their troubles were only beginning. As the ice queen lay dying, she sent an icy blast right in front of Inferno's hands. That icy blast was just enough to make his flames go out. Now Inferno was left with no power. Jinx was the only one that remained. It was at this moment that Inferno felt his weakness most. He turned to his fallen comrade on the ground and said, "Don't you understand, Jinx? It's over. We've lost. Night has finally won!" Infuriated with himself for having lost his powers, Inferno stormed away.

"So you think just because you lost your powers, he's won? Are you that completely stupid?"

"Don't you understand, Jinx? It's over. We've lost. Night has finally won!"

Infuriated with himself for having lost his powers, Inferno stormed away. He had been so close to victory but it had all been taken away in an instant. He felt helpless and alone, as if he were no longer in control. He wanted to give up, but he knew he couldn't do that either. He had to keep fighting for what was right and for what he believed in.

Jinx watched as Inferno walked away, not knowing what to say or do to help him. He knew that Inferno would eventually come around and realize that they still had a chance at winning this battle against the forces of darkness. He followed after him and said,

"You can't give up now! We still have a chance!"

Inferno stopped and looked back at Jinx with a newfound determination in his eyes. He knew that Jinx was right and that they still had a chance at winning this fight against evil. He nodded and said,

"You're right, we can't give up now." With that, they both turned around and continued their fight against the forces of darkness.

Jinx had been sent to meet with Night, the leader of the forces of darkness. He had the rest of their party trapped in their own fears, unable to escape. Jinx knew that he had to do something to save them, but he wasn't sure what. He was feeling helpless and alone, as if he were no longer in control. He wanted to give up, but he knew he couldn't do that either. He had to keep fighting for what was right and for what he believed in.

Jinx was determined to find a way to free his friends from their fears. He searched high and low, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, after days of searching, he stumbled upon a magical artifact that could break through the fear and free his friends. With newfound hope, Jinx set off on a quest to use the artifact and free his friends from their fears.

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