They Say

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They say that time heals all of your wounds;

and yet, here I sit, still bloodied and bruised.

They say stones break bones and words cause no pain;

And yet, here I sit, broken once again.

The thing about time is that it doesn't heal;

I'm hurt to the point that I barely can feel.

Words hurt, no doubt, along with sticks and stones, 

but broken hearts hurt worse than broken bones.

The human brain works in a real funny way,

bringing things back that I'd rather keep away;

old memories, and my own demons, too - 

all resurfacing right out of the blue.

They say that time heals all of your wounds;

but, let me tell you, that's not at all true.

They say stones break bones and words cause no pain;

but that is not true either, my friend.

Vibes by Evan DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now