Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork

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The teams had flow in-air simulation for the past three days. They had exactly two weeks before their flights to their respective carriers and they were no where near prepared. Maverick couldn't believe how the teams bickered and fought each other each step of the way. He had never seen such selfish, know-it-all pilots in his life. Maverick was beginning to wonder if the absence of Top Gun for two years was weighing on the Navy worse than he thought. Maybe it would be better to send drones instead of live pilots... He had to intervene.

Maverick stepped up to his podium and the pilots went silent looking at him expectantly. He cleared his throat, "We're going to do things a little differently today."

The pilots glanced at each other nervously but there was newfound excitement in the room. Today marked one month since they had arrived in Miramar and the initial enthusiasm had faded.

"I've switched a few of our teams around so I want Phoenix in a F-35 and Bob you're flying with Frozone as your WSO in a F-18. Coyote and Hangman in a two-seater F-18 and Payback and Fanboy in F-35 single seaters. Colombiana in you're going to fly in a F-5," The whole crew sighed loudly they all wanted to be in the new F-5's which were currently experimental. Maverick waited for their attention, "Apex fire up the Blackhawk."

Apex frowned, "Sir, all due respect but I can't operate a Blackhawk solo..."

"I'm hopping in with you and so is Utah," Maverick reviews his list and smiles. "And Hurricane, Rooster you'll be in a F-18." He finished the last part in a hast knowing putting those two in a place together would cause a whole Kardashian season worth of drama.

Katrina's jaw dropped she wasn't trained to fly F-18's and she definitely didn't fly backseat, "Sir, all due respect I can't fly a F-18."

"So you're saying you didn't predict every possible outcome?" Rooster questions with a snide voice.

Katrina glared at him and went to chew him out, but she retracted. He didn't even deserve her words. She swore she wouldn't give him the time of day after their last showdown in the weight room. When she said she would fall in line she fucking meant it and it had shown. She hadn't turned her nose up or given him one bit of lip in the last week.

"Figure it out," Maverick says and tucks his paper into his pocket. "Last one in the air gets drinks tonight!" He took off running to the lone Blackhawk Helicopter with Apex and Utah hot on his tail. The rest of the pilots scrambled to their jets.

Katrina walked she didn't care if she was last she didn't even want to go up anyway. There would be many people rolling over in their graves knowing she was about to pilot a F-18. 

"Pick up the pace, I'm broke," Rooster grumbled as he jogged past the other pilot. When she didn't break into a jog he turned jogging backwards. "If you don't start running I'm taking the front seat."

Katrina rolled her eyes, "Fine by me can't fly this piece of junk anyway." She watch as Rooster shook his head and climbed up into the front seat. Katrina slipped into the backseat and looked around feeling as though she was dropped into a foreign country.

"Radar switch bottom left, comms plug is below the screen, flare to the left and radar lock is right. Missile laser is controlled by your stick," Rooster offers as he begins to switch the aircraft on and start the process to taxi out and launch.

Katrina strapped her mask on and saw her light say she was plugged into the communication line, "I'm not a fucking idiot, Rooster."

Rooster shrugged and shook his head, "Just helping my teammate out."

"Just get the plane in the air," Katrina spits back at him.

Rooster hit moved the stick and the plane lurched forward gaining speed as the wings opened. Katrina closed her eyes letting the feeling of weightlessness take her over for just a moment. They leveled out and she started scanning the skies.

"Rooster and Hurricane sitting in a F-18, f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g, I wonder how many fights there will be," Frozone signs over the communication line.

"Frozone," Katrina cautions. "Cut the shit or I'll tell everyone what happened on our first date."

Frozone went silent, "Sorry Hurricane I take it back."

Katrina nods and speaks directly to Rooster, "Let's find they guys."

"I've got two incoming bogies directly at twelve o'clock," Rooster says watching as Fanboy and Payback tag team in their shiny, fast F-35s. "Can you get them on the laser."

"I can get one," Katrina says and locks on Fanboy. "Sorry Fanboy being alone is tough, huh."

Rooster circled around looking for Payback but he had disappeared. He suddenly hit a nose dive and Katrina slammed into her straps. She fumbled trying to tighten them; not used to the F-18 straps.

"Hangman and Coyote are on our six," Rooster grunts.

Katrina rolls her eyes, "switching to guns." She effectively shot the pair enough their plane beeped that they would have gone down. "Sorry guys, I'll kiss it better later."

"As long as its my dick you kiss," Hangman comments causing a few laughs over the comms.

Katrina entertains it, "Y'all tryna go to Paris?"

"Katrina!" Rooster yells back at her. "Focus."

"Sir yes sir!" Katrina said mocking a salute that only Rooster could see. "I've got Colombiana high 3 o'clock closing in fast."

"No fucking shit she's in a F-5," Rooster grunts hitting a high g barrel roll to avoid her incoming. She disappeared just for Apex and her two gunmen to hover up in their Blackhawk. "Now, that's not something you see everyday." Rooster comments and hits a circle around the Blackhawk.

"Hurricane what the hell are you doing?" Apex asks. It was soothing to hear the blonde's voice even though her gunman, Utah was trying to get them in laser lock.

"Bitch, I'm not doing shit I've got a fucking headless chicken for a driver," Katrina says getting another round of laughs. She was on a roll today.

"Headless Rooster, you mean," Phoenix counters as she tags on their right wing.

Katrina sighs, "Phoenix five o'clock."

"Yeah got it!" Rooster groans hitting a nose dive. They both feel the gs on this one. Phoenix followed enjoying her freedom in an F-35.

"Take her down," Katrina instructs knowing Phoenix would pull back. They were locked in a cobra maneuver.

"Hurricane, I'm gonna hit the hard deck," Rooster warns.

Katrina shakes her head, "Fucking hit it, I'm not losing this one."

Rooster pulled out right before they hit the hard deck. The plane shot up hitting a controlled stall before they could turn and split. Unfortunately they turned and split right into Colombiana who was waiting for them to come out of their dive. She was on them in a second and had them in radar lock.

Katrina ripped her mask off, "FUCK!" She screamed and slammed her hands against the glass.

Rooster ripped his own mask off and released a very frustrated yell. He landed their jet so they could refuel to go up again. Rooster had a hunch he was going to be in a plane with Hurricane until they got it right. This had to be Maverick's sick way of making them work as a team.

Lol I really thought i was doing something with this story. NVM

Top Gun: Category 5 - Bradley "Rooster" BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now