Fem Deku as Opal the Bald Wonder

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Name: Izumi Midoryia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Bio: Izumi is kind half young woman and half Anodite with a strong sense of justice. She believed that a true hero should smile, no matter how grim the situation, since people who needed to be saved needed not only to have their lives protected but also their hearts; she showed great empathy and emotional resilience. Her overall value for bravery and happiness was where she would adopt a iconic smile to put other people at ease.

Appearance: Opal is an ordinary-looking bald teenager with a thin but well-built physique and is of average height and weight. He used to have a full head of green hair but lost it to a unknown diseases.

Opal's hero costume consists of a lime green legless and sleeveless bodysuit with blue gem that shaped like a droplet at the collar and a blue belt with the same gem on her collar at its center. She wears light blue gloves that go 3/4 up her forearms and light blue boots that nearly reach her knees. Her costume is finished off with a white cape, which is fastened to her shoulders.


"I Smile To Show The Pressure Of Heroes And To Trick The Fear Inside Of Me."

Ship: Izumi x Mirio 


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Vacuum Adaption

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Hearing

Superhuman Smell

Heat Vision

Concussive Optic Beams

X-ray Vision

Telescopic Vision

Supersonic Flight

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