(Fem Deku Glow Up) Mechanica

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Name: Izumi Midoriya

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Bio: After an terrible accident she was turned into a powerful cyborg. She is serious and cold to others but a sweetheart to the people she knows and loves.

Appearance: Topaz is a mechanical cyborg of average human height. Her face and ears look like of a normal person, made of artificial skin material, and her eyes have black sclera with yellow irises. She has long blonde hair and her eyebrows were blonde. She also has pierced ears. Topaz's wardrobe consists of street clothes with all of her upper-body Attire being sleeveless as to allow her arms to transform without hassle.

Topaz's Abilities: Full Cyborg Weaponry


Fire Manipulation

Electricity Manipulation

Highly Skilled Combatant

Topaz's Physical Abilities

Immense Strength: Enhanced by her cyborg physiolog, Topaz possesses incredible physical strength, and is capable of breaking apart the ground with a drop kick, and punching rapidly with enough force to tear apart a cliff face.

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Topaz is very agile and she can move so fast that she appears to be teleporting.

Full-body Cyborg Enhancement: Topaz's entire body has been replaced with combat-ready cybernetics and protheses, giving her on extreme level of strength and speed, as well as advanced sensors and projectile attacks. All of her parts have made Topaz to heavy to Swim, she has the ability to taste and the body turns organic intake into biofuel.

Incineration Cannons: Topaz's palms contain parts that allow her to fire large, powerful blasts of heat or plasma across significant distances.

Search Eyes: Topaz is capable of detecting heat signatures, analyzing speeds, and levels of energy nearby. Once a target is locked onto, she will effectively keep track of it.

Arm-Blades: Topaz's arms are armed with razor-sharp blades.

Core: Topaz's body is powered by an energy sphere labeled "CORE." It is attached to her body by a single cable and is held inside her chest. During her attempt to destroy the meteor, Topaz removed the core from her chest and placed it in a similar holding place in her arm to direct all the energy into his Incineration Cannons. Inside the Core is a piece of the comet.

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