II. Oi! That's my bed!

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Huffing and puffing, they reached Hua Cheng's place, entering via big wooden double-doors. There was a courtyard with a run-down garden and a fountain; Hua Cheng's tiny flat was on the second floor. It was more of an open space than a flat, and sparsely furnished too. It had a little balcony and an old bathroom with unreliable hot water. He dropped the guy on the couch,

"Thank God we're here!", he sighed in relief. "Listen, what's your name? Hello?"

He patted him on the cheek lightly again; he just replied, "Xie L... Xie Lllll", it made no sense.

"Alright. I'll call you Gege then", he said, smiling at his own joke: that guy was obviously much younger than him, maybe 18-19, 20 years old maximum. Too young, he shook his head knowingly, from the maturity of his 25 years old. "Anyway Gege, let's take these shoes off shall we?", he said, noticing they were from a well-established brand of bespoke shoemakers.

He was wearing a suit with a button-up shirt and a tie, so Hua Cheng also removed his jacket, his tie and unbuttoned his shirt; he was wearing a cotton vest but even so Hua Cheng saw he was slim, but ripped, his chest and arms muscular, his abs well-defined.

"Uhhh Gege, I see now why you're so damn heavy. You're pure muscles!" he said admiringly.

He thought he might remove that guy's trousers as well, and got him a pillow and a blanked, tucking him on the couch. "Well then, sweet dreams", he said, and went to have a shower; no sleep was bad enough, so at least he wanted to be as hangover-free as possible on the next day!

When he got back to his bedroom, Gege was snuggling down and all comfortable in his bed!

"Oi! That's my bed, I got you all nice and cosy on the couch already. Out".

"It's not fair Guoshi, all I do is work work work...", Gege mumbled in his sleep.

"Huh? Guoshi?", Hua Cheng wondered, and heard again some more mumbling, "I know it's for XianLe, for the crown".

But at that moment, Hua Cheng had other priorities: no matter what, he couldn't move him; it was as if now he was sleeping properly, he became dead weight heavy. Hua Cheng immediately regretted bringing him over; he could have been asleep nicely in his own bed ages ago if it wasn't for this guy. Who cared if he slept on the street?

He clicked his tongue, "That couch is too small for me, I'd break my neck on my sleep".

He grudgingly climbed in bed, cursing under his breath, getting as far as possible from the guy.

"See if you at least stay there, and don't steal the covers".

He turned off his side-bed lamp; Gege tossed in his sleep and snuggled closer, hugging him! Before Hua Cheng could protest, he said, "Hummm you smell nice..."

Hua Cheng was caught off-guard, and blurted out, "You smell nice too". What was he saying?!

That guy hugged him tighter and smiled; for some reason, Hua Cheng couldn't push him away and get pissed off. Even though he was a nuisance, he was so cute while sleeping, so warm and it felt so good the way he was hugging him, that Hua Cheng sighed heavily in his exhaustion, and decided to leave at that, and finally, finally, get some sleep.

Sneaky crown prince! 😜 Thanks for reading, please vote, comment, follow me!

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