XVII. San Lang!

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That Friday, Hua Cheng was glad he didn't accept He Xuan's invitation for "one beer". He's been working hard since that crown prince affair two months ago, after going to Jun Wu empty-handed; he also owed Feng Xin and Mu Qing big, not really being friends with them. He hasn't been in a mood for partying anyway.

Summer was over, but it was still warm, only getting dark earlier. Maybe he'd just stop by Ming Guang's for a beer, and let Pei Ming update him on all the latest gossip. He had just parked his Vespa, when he heard,

"San Lang!"

Let alone calling him San Lang... that voice! Startled, he turned around... it was Xie Lian! After all this time, and, how did he remember his usual parking place?! He looked cute too, wearing beige cable knit pullover and trousers, with brown suede boots; his hair was back to that neat mop top, so Hua Cheng just imagined his Guoshi wasn't at all happy.

"Ge -", his first reaction would be to hug him; instead, he bowed his head curtly, saying, "Your Highness".

Xie Lian smiled, not showing what he was thinking, and replied, "Can we go somewhere and talk? Your place maybe?"

"Of course", Hua Cheng said, not sure what that all meant. The crown prince nodded, ready to follow.

They walked down the street in an awkward silence, passing the big wooden double doors and the courtyard with a fountain, till they reached the flat. Hua Cheng felt, for the first time, a bit embarrassed about his place; he should have taken the crown prince somewhere better, but there they were.

"Would you like a drink? I got beer. Or I can make you coffee –"

"I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye", Xie Lian interrupted; it seemed he's been wanting to say it for a long time.

Hua Cheng replied, "I understand Your Highness had unfinished business to attend to".

Xie Lian said, in a serious tone, "You knew who I was all along!"

Hua Cheng gave him a little smile, "Knowing things is part of my job".

"I don't get it. I've been so afraid there would be some article, 'My Lover, The Crown Prince'...", he replied, lowering his eyes and blushing.

How could he think I'd do that, he must have been so mad at me, Hua Cheng thought; he said, "I know my profession doesn't have a good reputation, but I wouldn't go this low". Then he added, "I did intend to write an article about you though, and publish that photoshoot".

"Then why didn't you?"

Hua Cheng sighed and looked away, saying softly, "I felt sorry for you. Running away, having to hide your identity, just to hang around with the likes of me..."

"The likes of you!", the crown prince replied, "San Lang... I've never felt happier than while being with you..."

'This doesn't mean anything, don't get your hopes up', he thought, and said, with a little smile, "Your Highness was having a day off".

"Stop calling me that", he replied, frowning. "Is that all I am to you, Your Highness?"

Hua Cheng replied, "To me, you're an open-minded, sweet, fun, cute guy I couldn't help but fall for". What was he saying?! He added, "I just wish you weren't a prince".

Xie Lian said, "So what if I am?"

Hua Cheng made a pained face, "Does your embassy know you're here? Or did you run away again?"

"I came to Rome for personal reasons", he replied, walking to Hua Cheng defiantly. "I'm going to spend some time here, join uni, make friends, party, be a normal guy".

Hua Cheng didn't know what to make of that; did the crown prince wanted him to be out of his way? Or...

Xie Lian continued, blushing madly, "And I came here because I thought, I mean, I wanted, to..."

"Be with me?", Hua Cheng blurted out.

"If you don't –", he replied, but Hua Cheng just grabbed him, hugging him tight, and said by his ear, "Gege! How can I not want..." He added, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too San Lang..." Xie Lian replied, sighing; then they kissed long and deep.

After a while, Hua Cheng broke the kiss and suddenly asked, "Where's your stuff?"

"At this pensione I got..."

Pensione?! The crown prince was really living up to his word, trying to be a normal guy! Hua Cheng, dragging him out by the hand, said, "Let's go and get it. Now you're back, you're not staying away from me, not even for a second".

Hualian can never be apart, right? 😍

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