~ A B O U T ~

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Hello my Jelly Donuts~!  안녕 나의 젤리 도넛! 

I'm honestly getting tired of putting messages on my page with updates and stuff, so I'm probably going to stop doing that. I'm probably still going to put out a message on my page to let y'all know when a new chapter is out though. 

My Publishing Schedule:

Wednesday and Saturday. If I do a special chapter like a bonus chapter, It'll most likely be posted on Friday. (North Western Hemisphere time)

Here, I will let you know about new stories, updates about ongoing stories, etc. 

Since I'm lonely as heck and I have no one to talk to, this will also be a get to know you book- thing...? Basically, you guys can ask me questions, and I'll answer them, and you guys can also answer the questions in the comments. Lowkey best idea I've ever had

That's saying a lot. 

I'll even put in memes If you want me to :) 

One more thing, if you guys ever need someone to talk to, someone to listen to you, or someone you need to vent to, I'll always be here for you! I never want you guys to feel bad! I care so much about you all and I love you guys so much <3 Please don't feel pressured to come to me if you ever need someone! Your happiness is what makes me happy! 

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