Y/N was at work when Mason texted that he was going out with Ben and Reece and just let loose a bit before the new premier league season starts.
She was very busy and had just replied to his message quickly and forgotten about it. It wasn't until she had gotten home when realized he was out, she didn't expect him to be out that late.
The whole night Y/N had tried to get a hold of him but she never got a phone call or a text back and started to worry. That was before she saw Ben's Instagram story. It was a picture of Mason and Reece in a night club it looked like, and then another picture of Mason and a girl hugging and posing for the camera.
Y/N would be lying to herself if she said that the picture didn't make her insecure and jealous. She put her phone away and decided to stay awake until he would come home.
She managed to watch two movies straight after each other when the door finally unlocked and Mason stood at the door.
"Where were you", Y/N immediately stood from the couch and looked at him.
"I told you, out with Ben and Reece", he said a bit tipsy. She looked at him as he walked over to her to peck a kiss on the cheek. He walked straight to the kitchen after while she kept her eyes in him.
"Anything fun that happened", she asked ask she crossed her arms
"Not really", he said oblivious to what Y/an was feeling
"You sure", She asked a bit frustrated
"I'm sure. Is the interrogation over, what's wrong", he said a bit annoyed as he turned back to her
"What do you mean Interrogation? I-"
"Cut the bullshit Y/N, what is it now", he asked as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge
She looked at him and sighed. "I saw a picture of you and a girl-"
"And now you're wondering if I cheated on you right? Because you don't trust me enough to know that i would never hurt you"
"I never said that", she said shocked
"But it's what you think", Mason said taking a sip of the water
"do you blame me though? I mean she looks like a model, she's hot, my head would turn if I were you", she said with no control of her feelings
"I don't even know her, we just talked and ended up taking a picture for fun, she means nothing to me", Mason said more annoyed as he raised his voice
"Stop acting annoyed, if you truly love me you wouldn't go out clubbing and hanging out with other girls, you didn't even tell me you were going clubbing for god sakes", she said also raising her voice
"It wasn't even planned ok, one second we were at a restaurant and the next at the club. It slipped my mind to text you, I'm sorry for that ok", he said as he looked at her in the eye. She could see how upset he was. Y/N looked away not knowing what to say or do.
"Fuck sake Y/N, you're suffocating me. I love you why can't you fucking see that? WHY? Have I ever doubted you? NO I haven't. I do all this shit for you just for you to question my love for you. It's not fair", he looked at her.
She heard the pain in his voice and the sadness in his eyes when he expressed his feelings. She didn't know what to say to that either. She just stood there quietly looking down with her crossed arms. Embarrassed for how she escalated things.
"I can't deal with this, I'm going to sleep", he said walking past her without saying another word.
She felt instant guilt as he walked away. She needed to learn how to not let her insecurities and jealousy take over. He's shown her nothing but unconditional love, why is she doubting him?
She didn't want to sleep on a bad note so she decided to go and apologize. Y/N slowly walked up the stairs to their bedroom. There he was, standing shirtless as he tried to find a shirt to wear to sleep in.
He turned around and noticed her standing there.
"I'm not in the mood-"
"I'm sorry", she stopped him from finishing his sentence
"I was just insecure about myself, I'm sorry", she quietly said feeling embarrassed for how she had acted. She couldn't even look him in the eyes because of it.
"Why are you insecure Y/N", he asked her in a soft tone, you could see the guilt appear in his eyes again
"We've been together since 17 Mase, there doesn't go a day without me thinking that you might get tired of me, or maybe you'll find someone better than me, or just want to have fun like most 23 year old boys and never having to worry about a girlfriend", she rambled on
Mason looked at her and a small smile appeared on his face when he realized she is scared of losing him just as much as he's scared of losing her.
"Come here", he looked at her as he reached his hand out.
She put her hand in his as he dragged her loser to himself. He took both of her hands and looked at her
"I don't plan on living my life without you", he said intertwining their hands together.
"I'm sorry for making you feel that way Y/N, I-"
"It's not your fault, I just overthink it and-"
"Let me finish Y/N", he chuckled. Y/N is very known for interrupting people and it's one of those things Mason has told her to try to get better at.
"Sorry", she bit her lips realizing that she had interrupting him when she promised she would try to avoid doing that.
"I should've told you where I was, and I promise you, it won't happen again. But please, Y/N, never hide your feelings from me, always tell me what's on your mind. We don't need these unnecessary arguments when we can just talk it out like normal people", he explained. She looked at him, listening to every word he was saying.
"Trust me when I tell you that I'm just as scared of losing you", Y/N giggled and shook her head. "No one would want me", she looked at him
"Are you kidding me", he looked at her and smiled. "Do you know how anxious I get every time we go out? Seeing all these guys drooling over you when I'm standing right next to you", he looked at her
"But I don't want any of them, I wouldn't get with any of them", she said
"And I believe you. So believe me when I tell you to not worry about my feelings for you. We've known each other since we were kids, you've been there for me before I even played in the academy. I know your love for me is true and pure. Why would I ever get tired of that when it's the only thing that keeps me going", he said making her tear up
"You're too perfect for this world Mase", she teared up as she looked at him with a smile
"So are you", he wiped away her tears
"I love you", he smiled
"And I love you, I'm sorry about all of this", she replied
"Don't apologize, we're ok", he said before leaning in for a kiss.