Another baby girl

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Becoming a mother at a very young age was not something you had planned, and today, when you think about it, you still struggle to believe sometimes that you have a 16-year-old son. Adding another child—your first baby girl, Lucy—people found it weird that you were having her after him, but you're still young and Mason is still playing football, having only a couple of years left before retirement.

When you had Lucy, it didn't take long before you and Mason decided to have another one. You had discovered your third pregnancy just a few weeks ago, and you and Mason thought it was a good idea to tell the kids, even Lucy, despite her being just over two years old.

"Hey Liam, come over here!" Mason shouted while he was holding Lucy in his arms. You're all sitting in the living room when Liam walks over.

"What's up?" He sat down in front of you and Mason.

"Take a seat," Mason excitedly told his son. Mason took a seat next to you, holding your hand, looking at you, signalling that you should say it.

"I'm pregnant," you simply said out loud.

"Did you hear that Lucy, you're getting another sibling" Mason looked at her with excitement.

Even though Lucy is just over two, she can understand a lot and sometimes express her feelings with one or two words.

"Really?" Liam asked, making them look at him and forget Lucy for a second.

"Yeah, are you happy?" you asked him. "Of course I am," he said, standing up with a smile. pulling you into a hug, and then Mason.

Lucy looked around, confused. "Look Lucy," Mason kneeled down with her in his arms.

"There's a baby in there," Mason pointed at your stomach.

"You're getting a brother or a sister," you looked at your daughter with a smile.

She quickly teared up and cried in Mason's arms. Everyone looked at her, confused. "Darling, what's the matter?" Mason tried to calm her down.

"Don't love me," her faces turned into an angry expression as she tried to get out of Mason's grip.

"What?" You asked, not understanding her.

"I think she's trying to say that we don't love her," Liam translated.

"Omg," you mumbled, feeling your heart break. Lucy has always been a daddy's girl, and you're thinking that maybe she's jealous.

"Let me talk to her," Liam said, taking his sister out of his dad's arms. Lucy was still crying, throwing hands, and kicking her legs n the air.

The sound of her crying decreased when Liam took her to another room. "I can't believe this is happening," you sat down, feeling panic. You love Lucy and Liam equally, and now having this baby and Lucy reacting badly to it has made you feel bad.

"Hey, she's just a kid, she'll understand soon enough," Mason pulled you into his arms.


You'd think that Lucy was ok after finding out that she's getting a new sibling. You're in week 40 now, and she's still her grumpy old self, just like she was the day you told her.

Things had gone worse when she found out it was a girl; she's been holding on to Mason for months, not leaving him alone for even a minute. Liam has been very helpful, trying to talk to her about how much we all love her and how excited she should be, but she was having none of it. You didn't understand where that attitude had come from; neither you nor Mason were like that as kids.

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