Fuck You

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AN: Excuse me for the fruity language, but I'm back with another sibling imagine :)

Just a month ago, you and your older brother Mason had a huge fight. It wasn't a normal sibling fight that you forgot about the day after; it was more than that.

You had found out that your best friend and he had been seeing each other behind your back, and it was not something you could just slide away and forget about.

You felt hurt and betrayed by both, but especially by your brother. You used to be so close, never fight, and always tell each other everything.

You stopped answering both their calls; you didn't want to hear anything. Mason decided to come over to your house that night, a month ago, to talk to you. It ended with a fight, and you haven't spoken since.

It wasn't the fact that they were seeing each other that pissed you off; you knew that your best friend had a crush on your brother, which you found funny, but finding out that they had gone behind your back for 4 months....that shit hurt.

You were sleeping peacefully in your bed before you were interrupted by a phone call. You opened your eyes, letting the light of your phone almost blind you when you picked it up.

You sighed as you read the name. It was your brother. He had stopped calling you days ago, understanding you didn't want to talk to him, but it was concerning to you to see him call you, especially at 2 in the morning.

"What?" you answered in annoyance.

You could hear mumbling, but the loud music was taking over in the background.

"If you're going to call, then talk," you said, annoyed. You sighed, figuring that he was probably drunk and clubbing.

You saw his face on the screen pop up; he had put on FaceTime. You got out of bed and turned the lights on in your bedroom.

"Y/N," he mumbled, and you saw him trying to go outside, leaving the building.

"What? Where are you?" You asked, trying to wake yourself up by rubbing your eyes.

"I want to go hooome," he slurred.

You put your anger aside and decided to help him out; you're not going to leave your brother drunk somewhere in London.

"Show me where you are, Mason," you kindly asked even if your blood was boiling.

He turned his phone around, showing you the area; lucky for you, you knew where he was.

"Stay where you are; I'm on my way," you told him; he didn't respond, but he was clearly listening to you.

"And don't hang up," you warned him as you went to grab a jacket.

"My head hurts," he slurred.

"You've only got yourself to blame," you mumbled as you grabbed your keys and walked over to your car.

You placed your phone on a stand in your car and immediately drove away.

"I'm not ok," he mumbled over and over again.

"What are you talking about?" You asked confused

"I thought... she loved me," he slurred as he closed his eyes, not having the energy to stay awake.

"What is he on about?" you muttered, confused and frustrated for not understanding him.

"Can you stay awake please? I can't carry you to the car if you're asleep," you said loudly enough for him to open his eyes again.

He mumbled words you couldn't understand again, and you couldn't bother to listen; you just focused on taking yourself to him and taking him home safely.

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