Chapter 3 - The Group Chat

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I would just read the texts as they rolled in through the group chat. I didn't really want to be annoying or anything but Micheal was more annoying then I would ever be. He would just try to jump in at any chance he could get. Sending stupid pictures and videos with it all. And he would send the same one over and over again.

They all would send pictures it's how they would show their life or make jokes about something. I could deal with that.

But by one person caught my eye in the friend group, Chase. We started flirting and it caught the attention of some people in the group. It was harmless flirting we didn't know it was going to take a turn. But that will be in another chapter, it's to early to tell now.

But Micheal would take a turn and the whole group chat was ready for it even me. Not even a full month of getting added to the group chat only 2 weeks. Micheal would try to say stuff but it alway came to bite him and it would stay like that. He would talk about me being younger but it's by a year so I told everyone how he fucked my ex best friend. That stirred up the pot but I didn't care he was making invalid points and I was doing the same. Nothing harmless. We did it all the time. Then everyone was getting on him as a joke and Micheal took a turn.

Started talking about fighting Chase again after, Chase and him fought once and Chase won. He would blame it all on the weather like no one else was there but him. It made him look stupid. But we all let it be it was "Micheal being Micheal".

I couldn't hang out with most of them at first. Some people barely knew me as I was the new member. But I was okay with that I tried to have people come over but some didn't want to but we made it fun.

We all chilled by the fire at my house, then they had a perfect idea for 3 people to jump on a trampoline with nothing surrounding it and someone fell off. We all had a laugh and had good talks with each other.

But back to Micheal, the problem creator. Started to call everyone fake a few days after and said all this like he didn't want to be in the group anymore. And this was all over a Instagram sticker, yes I'll say it again, a Instagram sticker. But, he got over it by trying to make stupid comebacks. But no one gets offended over it it's just "Micheal being Micheal". Then everyone went back to normal.

The group chats normal was sending pictures of stupid things then Chase always talking about his car the "Pissat" as they would call it or what I like to call it "Shitty Volkswagen". 

But that never lasted long with Micheal in it. He always had something to say about something. Especially when it was about people hanging, but he would dig himself deeper and deeper into a hole. But he always thinks he's a good friend and people just let him think that.

And that's when the fire is the biggest but I didn't know it at the time, that fire represents our group. It was getting heated and it just was to much it always happened at some point, even before I joined.

Then not even a day later, Chase breaks his hand.

Author's Note -
CLIFF HANGER ALERT!! I know but next chapter will be something else... You just have to wait. But I want to remind you that this is my first book and it's going to have mistakes but with your feedback it can be better!! No, I won't change up what was going on in the group chat this is all the real deal. But I will try to publish at least 2 chapters each week it is summer so I'm with friends a lot but I have time when I'm baby sitting and the kids are calmed down. But I hope you guys like it so far!

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