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Ace put his contacts to his eyes. The halls were eerily silent. Ace could hear every leaking pipe and rusting bolt. What he lost in sight, he made up for in his hearing.

The library was at the lowest floor of the bunker. It was a place where things really started to become creepy. Most light bulbs had been popped many years ago and nobody could find any replacements. All the light boxes had specialised power saving knobs, but those looked even more ancient than the war times.

Through a few twists and silent turns Ace arrived at the most unsettling door. It was a Manuel one with one of those things the elder's called doorknobs. It was made of wood and rusted hinges. Ace was convinced just the slightest touch would cave the door in. But the door was easy to open and to his surprise the ancient thing did not collapse.

The library was a place only used when power was down. The ancient books were so old and brittle that they had to be placed in airtight cases. The books never left the library. It was considered a curse to bring things so ancient anywhere near the stairs to the higher floors. Anyone to touch them would be struck with bad luck for a hundred years. Ace never thought such of books. Just people and their paranoia.

Ace sat down by a desk under one of the working lights. He put the tablet down and turned it on. A flash of colour. The sign 'Hamlin technologies' appeared and changed to a desktop of holographic apps. Ace scrolled through them to one simply titled 'Historian'.

It buffered and then a video started playing.

"So, you have been chosen as Historian," A young woman in the video said, "Here are some pointers to get you started. Number one, a historian's roll is to safeguard and study relics of the past. These may include ancient manuscripts and physical items. Number two, for a historian to be successful, you need to work hard. Expect work hours of up to ten hours a day including over time. Number three, a historian must always keep their work confidential. No non-historians may ever learn of the past except for on authorised purposes. And finally remember this, the historian is a vital role within society. Sure, the work can be long and tiring but, in the end, it is a job one will consider better than anything else in their lives. Attached below this video is a set of manuals and study guides to get you started on your work with history! Enjoy!"

The video ended. The hologram shifted to a list of several virtual books and manuals. Ace sighed. What had he gotten himself into? This all seemed to be far more than he would ever think a historian would do. Come to think of it he still did not know what they do for so long. He liked history but never knew it something he would spend the rest of his life doing.

Suddenly something behind him touched his shoulders. Ace jumped up like a cat in water. His fists clenched. He sighed again.

It was Cait standing behind him and laughing. She wiped a tear form her eye and tried bringing her biggest smile down, "Oh you should have seen your reaction!" She cried.

Ace was not amused. He said angrily, "Don't sneak upon people, especially me!"

"Oh relax," Cait said finally calming down, "It's just a bit of fun."

Ace puffed.

Cait asked, "So have you watched the video yet?"

"Yes," Ace said, "But it does not seem so informative."

"Well then maybe we should read the manuals and books like it said," Cait said almost sarcastically, "Well good luck to you."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?"

"My room," Cait was already to the manual door again, "I have my own tablet to study from."

"Shouldn't we read it here or something?" Ace was too late for Cait already left.

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