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Claire awoke to knocking at her door. She threw over her night gown and stretched. The knocking continued.

"Coming!" Called out Claire.

She puffed and stood, greeting her at the door was Jarsley. He looked at her, eyes widened and looked away realising he was staring at Claire's rather informal wear. He on the other hand wore his hunter red leather jacket bearing various medals and pins.

"What is it?" Asked Claire, annoyed.

"Commander told me to give this to you," he said holding a large, sealed envelope.

"Well don't be strange, come in." Claire closed the door behind her when Jarsley entered. He awkwardly stood in her apartment which was the biggest mess in all Capital. He flinched noticing he was stepping on a bra and around were empty cans and bandages. Her mattress was in tatters, her uniform barely tucked in the corner.

"Don't look so out of place," said Claire. "You've seen a lot more of my room... and me for that matter."

Jarsley cleared his throat. "Yes... well definitely. It's just odd being back here after you know, what happened."

Claire shot a glance at his left leg; it was coated in plaster and he barely hide his cane behind his back. A twinge of guilt settled in her, but she chose to keep it hidden off her face. She looked back to Jarsley with his long dark brown hair, fair skin and... tempting eyes. She shook the thought away, defining what happened no less than two months ago. They were on a search mission for a supply cache deep in the city ruins only to discover it guarded by one of the most devastating type six Denjura called Germany destroyer. The Denjura quickly took down Jarsley's Corvega, he barely escaped through the emergency hatch and if Claire hadn't moved quick enough, he would have been dead. Despite her being there to save him, his escape hatch closed upon his leg, breaking several tendons, and burning through bone. The medics later declared he would likely never ride in a Corvega for the rest of his days. That never seemed to stop his optimism though, his smile still made Claire's heart melt. When she saved him the two had to leave the cache and escaped Germany destroyer, deep in the city certainly brought on quite a few scandalous events between the two. The tension between in the air never subsided.

Claire awkwardly looked at the envelope and pulled off the sword seal. She set the file down and found a stack of papers. She sat by her messy mattress with the papers. Jarsley clapped his palms together and said, "Well I will leave you to it... you know where to find me. Bye." He hastily launched himself out the door and shut it behind him. Claire's gaze lingered on the door for a moment before she turned back to the pages. The one on top had a confidential stamp with her initials and code. The following page read:

Orders for project Oasis, knight Roma's eyes only. Destroy brief when analysed.

Knight Roma, your mission is to guide Miss Maria to the oasis under any means necessary using all tools to your disposal. Within the oasis is important resources that would prove most useful to all Capital and her people. Council has authorised clearance for the voyage to the oasis under any pretences and through your approval only. Miss Maria is a qualified pilot despite her lack of citizenship, her training comes from extensive years mastering mixed arts and combat within the bridge. Her greatest skills rely in close combat in type two Corvega's. Along with her combats Manship, she is also an avid linguist with access to records of pre fall manuscripts within Greentech laboratories, height one of the upper city. All knowledge of the oasis and its location lie with her and all necessary means of travelling to the oasis will fall under her information. Two nights ago, she hijacked a Corvega and no interrogations or her cooperation is yet to confirm where she was heading, but scans show she may have been considering moving East to the burning sea. Handle encounters with care, she is known to be impulsive but also extremely cunning and calculating. If there is any angle considered to break free, she would likely try. Yesterday Madeline was escorted back to Greentech laboratories. find a guide machine to lead you to her location. If allowed, she will prove to be useful in battle. The council has deadlocked the expedition to be begin by the weeks end. Train, learn and ready yourself and Miss Maria by then and safely deliver your coordinates back to Capital upon arrival to the oasis. From there more expeditions and scribes will take over operations. Goodluck knight and fight with honour.

Vitality In A WastelandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora