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Dalia had seen better days. Her hull had scratches left, right and centre. Her blades were nearly melted from the sheer heat and her actuators had been torn. But at least she now had a refill, her core would be able to get her through another week at most. She was a war machine, built for the most dangerous encounters with most Denjura, but type fives? Two of them at once? They would have been her greatest challenge next to Germany Destroyer, but she did it. She tore through them both in a blink, no more than a mere plain of destruction.

She stood now atop a large dune overlooking the ruined city.

Claire watched the towers loom before her as she sat atop Dalia's shoulder. A moment later, a hatch opened, and Madeline joined her. Despite the silence only mocked by a distant whisper of wind, there was a deafening ringing in Claire's chest when Madeline sat beside her. They linked, conjoined to become Dalia herself. Even after five hours after the encounter it felt like a lingering pain hung right on her heart. Madeline felt it too, the only words to describe such a sensation is like the first time someone makes a painting. The first time someone writes a full novel or finally reaches a high note when singing. Almost a moment of euphoria to follow with a strange looming shadow only then above it, like it's not enough. Like the feeling must somehow return and if it doesn't it's like the euphoria never existed in the first instant.

Claire did her best to ignore the strange pulse in her chest, she looked away from Madeline and focused upon the blue hazed distant city. Night would soon fall, she left the scanners on and knew Dalia would be somewhat safe for the night atop the dune, it had a full view of sights beyond and behind.

They sat a long while wordlessly. Madeline tried to understand what had happened. She tried desperately to piece together a sentence or even a word to say to at least cut through the silence, but nothing fell through. In the end she watched as the distant sun settled upon the horizon, then she realised it was probably the first time she ever truly seen such a sight. It was beautiful.

Then Claire stood and Madeline followed back inside. They hung their masks upon a hook. Claire returned to her chamber, not even trying to prevent Madeline from sitting in the control pod alone. Did she forget that Madeline too was a pilot? What happened to the fear that Madeline would hijack Dalia and take off? Wasn't she the one who was paranoid that Madeline would try to escape? Or was there something new between them. Like trust? Madeline didn't like the lingering thoughts of unanswered questions circling through her mind.

She took the lift to Claire's chamber and knocked at the entrance. Then she gasped, her cheeks turned bright red, and her body froze when she seen Claire. Completely naked. Claire screamed out in surprise, throwing her boot at Madeline, forcing her into the lift. Madeline bolted to her chamber and punched at her pillow. She seen Claire naked, full, and true. Her cheeks refused to stop turning red and her heart suddenly wouldn't stop pounding. Claire came to her this time luckily scrubbed in a loose nightshirt and a sore excuse for shorts.

"What as that about? You can't just come into my cabin like that!"

Something surprised Madeline and it was Claire's tone. Usually, she would be shouting or just plain toneless, but now she had deep breaths and her words stuttered. Was she truly embarrassed? Someone as high strung as her. Embarrassed?

"Sorry Madame," Blurted Madeline. "I didn't know you were... umm..."

"Changing? Am I supposed to just stay in combat uniform for weeks on end?"

"Well Madame... why was your door unlocked?"

Claire flushed. "What? You weren't supposed to come to my cabin regardless. You should be the one ashamed, you perv!"

"I'm not a perv," said Madeline.

"You sure? You were creeping up on a girl naked? You got anything to say for yourself, huh?"

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