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"Where are we going?" Asked Ace.

"To send a message," Replied Ross. "I suppose I should spill what kind of world you're in. Would you really like to know what's about to happen?"

Ace nodded.

"We are going to attack an outpost of a new threat. In the Wastes, resources are scarce and if your tough enough to claim spoils then you can own the moon. If not, you end up as a dead fish on mars. Do you understand?"


"Well see," Continued Ross. "We are in deep water so to say. We are going to drive them back, wherever they came from."

"Who is them?"

"Bandits, crooks, raiders, whatever they like to go by. All that you need to know is this might be our chance to get what we need for Valerie. We are in the homestretch now. Quickly look under your seat."

Ace pulled out a handgun from beneath his seat, his hands almost slipped from the sight.

"This is your protection," said Ross.

"Protection? I... I... what is going on?"

"I think its best that you stay near Mackenzie while I get the shooting done, but just in case, keep the safety off and look your enemy straight in the eye, do not hesitate because they certainly won't."

"I..." Ace was suddenly aware of something near a rolling dune, it was a massive mess of old cars, crates and destroyed buildings. Centre fold, hoisted between two massive pillars was a sight to behold, another Corvega. Ross veered off to the top of a dune overlooking the entire view, no less than a few minutes run towards the compound. There was a wall of rusted things built around it like a circling snake, even from a distance Ace could see silhouettes of people on towers and others patrolling the wall borders. Ross climbed out and pulled up his binoculars. He scoured each tower, noting down each guard and their positions, none of which had noticed him yet. He nodded, a moment later he heard a distant buzz. A small buggy parked beside his car, Mackenzie and his two goons, Hans and Schrodinger came along.

"Boys bring the good stuff," said Mackenzie.

Hans and Schrodinger pulled out two massive contraptions from the top of the buggy, two laser machines, one of which a high optic sniper and the other an explosive carrier.

Hans positioned himself with the sniper laser and his sights rested upon the guards of the towers.

"What's the plan?" Asked Mackenzie.

"Do we need one?" Replied Ross. "We go in and take them all out, simple."

"The Iron Tigers are bound to have beacons here," said Mackenzie. "We can't just alert them."

"Their reinforcements will take too long, I am sure."

"Even so, we might not be able to hold them off once they get here."

Ace stood watching between Mackenzie and Ross, a sudden feeling came to his chest. One of panic and surrealism, they were about to attack this place. Just like that! What was he doing here? He is going to get himself killed!

It was as if Mackenzie could read Ace's mind, his eyes settled to Ace and a calm tone filled his voice, "It's alright. You can just stay here, we will handle it. Ross and I have been doing this for a long time."

"Now that's silly," said Ross. "The Griefers will come once the shooting starts, you will be a quick meal Baka."

"You can't expect the kid to come with us," said Mackenzie.

"he's safer than with those things," said Ross. "Or you could stay here with him and fight off countless hordes."

"And what of the car?"

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