Sunset on the horizon

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It's been dead in the water for awhile now
I get the pain has left
Every once in awhile I sense the reminders
The thoughts the conversations everything,
Sometimes I miss the feeling in a weird way
It gave me something to complain about
That's just selfish ain't it?
Now that life's working out I fear it
I'll have everything and everyone in my corner
Then suddenly like a plague on the wind
They all disappear
No one wants you at your worst
It turns out rock bottom has a cellar
I've been locked in there before
Yet I don't have plans of going back
I'm relatively new to life
That means the chances of returning are high
Looking out at the grim sight and reminders
It's difficult
I wrote sunset to allow people to not feel alone
We are all in this together
I felt as though I betrayed everyone
I'm one of the lucky ones
I question if I should be happy or guilty
Turn this into inspiration for everyone
If I can escape from the cellar, then so can you

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