stop spoiling the movie

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keira knightley and mackenzie foy imagine 

you, keira and mackenzie are all doing an interview for the nutcracker and the four relms.

you are now for giving out spoilers for movies when doing interviews ( like tom holland) so you are never allowed to do an interview on your own because f you did one on your own you would end up spoiling the entire movie.

for the interview you are sat in the middle of keira and mackenzie and the interviewer asked you what your favourite scene to film was and you replied with " oh well i dont have a favourite scene but i love how the sugar plum firy was actually ev-" until keira and mackenzie stopped you by shouting at the same time " STOP SPOILING THE MOVIE!!!!" " what?" you replied to both of them actng innocent like you hadn't nearly spoiled part of the movie. " this is literally why youre never aloud to do interviews on your own. youre like a little kid you cant be left alone " mackenzie said back to you whilst laughing. you started laughing aswell until keira asked you " have you actually ever done a movie bfore without spoiling it ?" you replied with " nope,never" with the biggest smile on your face looking proud that you now can definately never do interviews on your own.

keira knightley imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now