scaring her

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random pic of keira but i love her smile its so cuteee.

Everyone knows you love to scare people and people love it as you only scare them once or twice and then get them invoved to help scare someone else. yeah well everyone loves it except keira because you dont only scare her once or twice you are alwyas scaring her. you know thepeople that help scare someone else well keira is the someone else.she hates it. im sure we have most probably made her regret the desicion of saying yes to our proposal but what can i said we do have a good face  and damn our body loks greattt. ( self confidence is the key to life. honeslty idc what you look like. you are beautiful  please dont let others tell you different) Anyways were on the set for the nutcracker and the four relms and keira is currently getting her hair and makeup done because her hair takes ages to do. so in your brilliant mind you decided to get mackenzie foy involved to help scare keira. you had no idea how but you had time to think of something. after a log yime of thinking you decided to do a good old fashioned jumpscare. so you hid out behind the hair and makup station ( i still have no idea what its called very sorry) after a very longg 5 minutes of waiting for her to finish up she walked out so mackenzie came out and jumpscared her but of course you couldnt finish there so as she screamed you grabbed keira which caused her to scream more as she had stlil not processed  that mackenzie was the one to jump out on her  so she was now absolutely terrified but it was funny afterwrad she had figured out it was you. what was not funny was that when you grabbed her she punched you right in the  face and nearly broke your nose but it was definately worth it and it only took a week for your nose to stop hurting then you went back to scare her again.  we are definately the best actress/actor ever to work with not only do you geta movie you aslo get absolutely terrified 

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