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guys im sorry i havent been well but im back so im gonna try and post more

keira had work all day and you had been sent home because you were ill. you were in that much pain that you had stayed on the sofa all day. the remote was on the other side of the room so you had to stare at the blank tv all day. after what felt like an eternity keira finially had finished work and arrived at home. as soon as she got into the house she noticed something was wrong because the house was quiet and none of the lights were on.after a coiple minutes of searching for youshe found you on the sofa fast asleep.

keira's pov: 

i got home after a long day of work to notice the house absolutely silent and all the lights off. I new straight away that something was wrong as y/n would finish work beofre me as she was doing interviews all day and her last interview today was with brenton (thwaites) and he was filming today but when i asked him about the interview he said it had been cancelled meaning y/n would be home earlier than what was planned. so i went straight to our room to look for her but she wasnt there so after i looked around upstairs id figured they were downstairs. after a couple of minutes i found her asleep on the sofa. i was about to wake her up until i noticed the blood stain on her trousers. so i went upstairs to run her a bath. after a couple of minutes the bath was full so i went back downstairs to wake her up. once she was awake i took er ustairs and helped her get underessed and into the bath. once she had finished in the bath we both got our pajamas on and ordered food whilst cuddling up in bed and watching a movie.

i am soo sorry i have been away but again if you have an requests please let me know  byeeee

have a great day/night

keira knightley imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang