Love Like Thorns

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[Your POV]

I was with Dazai only for a couple months, but it felt much longer. He was a part of me and a new feeling of responsibility was formed. 

"I'll love you no matter what."

Everything was sweet and normal; or at least that was what I thought. 

It was normal. 

This was what I thought of a relationship.

It had to be normal.

Weirdly, people still tried to 'warn' me.

"You know he's obsessive," Chuuya sighed. "It won't take long for him to start acting upon it."

"But he said he would change his ways for me-"

"He's being too controllive of you. You should at least fight for yourself once in a while."

"Dazai always apologizes, he promises he'll try-"

"But he's never kept them, has he?"

"I like the way things are right now. I'm not stupid enough to not notice red flags. I don't think anything would change."

I was right

It was normal. 

I opened the door to the bar, expecting to see Dazai waiting for me. 

He was there, turning his head to greet me


there was another women next to him.

She was pretty; her face beautiful, her style elegant. Dark hair and seducive eyes.

She took her cigarette out of her mouth and looked at me up and down.

"Who's she?"

"Kagura chan~" Dazai smiled, offering me a seat next to him. "She's my girlfriend."

She took the cigarette back to her lips and smirked. 

"I expected you to like more mature women, Osamu," she teased. "Just look at her, how childish~ I at least expected better posture."

My face flushed.

"Your clothes are strangely old fashioned though," she taunted. "Who wears those kinds of long skirts nowadays?"

I tightened my fists.

Surely Dazai would definitely defend-

"Child-like right?" he chuckled. "But as long as it's Kagura, anything is fine."

I bit my lip. 

Am I really that childish? My sense of style, was it really that old fashioned?

"What are you doing Kagura?" Dazai asked, "Sit down, your legs must hurt."

"Who's she?" I said, quietly.

"She's a friend."


I stared at the mirror.

My bedroom floor was covered with clothes.

Her words rang in my ear, taunting me.

"What's wrong with me?" I touched the cool glass, "W-What's-"

In the reflection in the mirror, a single teardrop fell down my face.

"Change... All I need to do is change right?" I smiled, letting the tears run down my cheeks. "I-It's so simple-"

But why do I feel sad?

The Nine Tailed Fox [Dazai x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now