Hello, Stars.

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Chase Space, Boston.

Annabeth's body was picked up and carried towards the back door when a low groan was heard from her mouth. Sadie felt herself slightly perking up until she realised what it probably was. She cursed, dropping her as the daughter of Athena stood up as if in a trance. Her eyes were milky white, with no pupils. Her mouth was hanging open in a disturbing way and her armour was practically falling off her shoulders. Magnus held the knife he carried with him after the loss of Jack tightly, almost scared to do what he knew he had to.

The sound was horrible, like guts being squashed between his fingers, but Magnus knew it was for the best. Her head fell with the rest of her body, but it landed somewhere else. It stared up, gazing into nothingness.

Magnus fell to the ground, sobbing into Samirah's arms that were wrapped around his thin torso. She whispered words of comfort too him as Amir fed him a falafel.

Her hijab hung low over her face, hiding the tears that silently slid down her cheeks.

The door burst open, a young demigod carrying a dying Will Solace over his shoulders.

"Get him on the table!" Meg shouted.

As soon as he was lying down he began thrashing around, screaming out for help, for Nico, for anyone.

Plants tightened around him, trapping him to the table so that he couldn't hurt himself.  He saw Annabeth's corpse and the scream that followed shattered the glass around him. He remembered saving her life three years ago, how happy Percy was, and then when Nico came to save them...

A flash of light appeared from within him and he reached out, still shouting for his boyfriend to come back as his heart stopped beating.

Brooklyn House

Nico had managed to stand up after about half an hour of the pain. They had been thrown out near the old home of American Magicians. Jack had sliced a hole in the door that Nico grudgingly stepped through.

The place was dilapidated, with the ceiling having caved in and the only thing left was a wax figurine of a crocodile. Nico picked it up, shaking it a bit. It seemed to be the only thing left intact. Bookshelves had been ripped apart and basketball hoops were lying around the place, clearly ripped off the poles they should have been attached too.

Nico sat down on the ground, deep in thought as the world seemed to tumble around him. He fell backwards, his head banging on the ground that seemed to disappear.

He brought his head back up just as quickly, but he was in a different place. He yelled out for Jack, but the sword was nowhere to be found.

"He isn't here, you know. You shouldn't really be here either but oh well."

Nico turned around to see someone who really, really shouldn't be able to talk to him.

"Calypso? I thought you - you..."

"I was dead? Well yes, I am."

"This, this isn't the underworld. Why isn't this the underworld?"

"Your father is dead, Nico. There is no underworld, not anymore."

Nico staggered back.

"This is the realm of souls. It was created when the underworld fell. There is no god to reign over us. No deity."

Nico looked to the side of her, seeing Percy and Annabeth walking around while Estelle giggled on Paul's shoulders next to them.

He opened his mouth in a pained expression. Will was running towards him.

Nico sprinted forward and they embraced, Nico letting himself crumble into his boyfriend's arms.

Jason and Piper dropped down from the sky, a smile on their lips as they finally had peace. Percy put Estelle down and ran over to the Ghost King and wrapped him in a strong hug, crying tears of joy.

"Hello, Nico. It's so good to see you again! How much you've grown, how much you've matured! You're so tall! Has your father been feeding you properly? If he hasn't, I swear I'll~"

Maria DiAngelo hugged him like she never would have the opportunity again as Bianca, Persephone and Hades watched, glad that Nico finally felt happy.

But the young demigod pulled away with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, everyone, but I have to go. I have a duty to my friends, to the world."

Maria nodded, Will giving him one last hug before Nico turned and ran.

He woke in the real world and found piles of Zombies lying around him.

"Where the HELLHEIM where you?"

As he looked around, the son of Hades realised what had happened. He stood silently, exiting through the door.


Bob brought his spear to the intruder's throat, but he was thrown aside. Small Bob hissed, leaping at Kronos but he picked up the cat and snapped it's neck.

Bob cried out, reaching for him as his limp form fell to the ground.


He lunged, spear aiming for his throat but Kronos caught him, slamming him to the ground and keeping him down with one feet. Bob lifted it up, destabilising the Titan of Time and landing a solid punch in his jaw.

Surtur watched the pair trading blows, only slightly concerned at how Bob was winning. He wasn't affected by the time shifts Kronos tried to implement, and grabbed his neck, dragging him through the rocks and fire around them.

Apophis, although highly scaled down in size, lunged at Bob, biting him at the neck. The titan grabbed his neck, shoving him down to the ground and tearing his head off. He used the body as a whip on Kronos, but he was losing power.

Kronos grabbed his head, pushing it back as Surtur sent fireballs into Bob's back.

He fell to the ground, coughing as the Scythe of time sliced through his back.

Surtur put his hand through his back, ripping out his heart as Bob's skin turned ashen.

"Hello... Stars..."

He was dead.

Typhon, who had been spectating the entire time, chose to make himself known. He had already killed the Gods, and he was nearly powerful enough to destroy the earth for the sins they had committed against him. It was his duty.

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