Chapter Three: Connection

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Warning: This chapter is strong in imagery and graphic in nature. 

The silence that has fallen since Laurent asked if there was something in his past that perhaps was kept from him is deafening. By the look on Vera's face he can't help but wonder if there's something she knows only she isn't sure if she should tell him. On the other hand, he wonders if she's hurt by his inquiry. Laurent's had a great life because of Vera and Kent, and they've always given him a lot of love so he wants to assure her that his inquiry won't take away from the family he loves with everything in him so he stands up and walks over to her. She's still at the sink and she hasn't moved or said anything. Her eyes are lowered and when Laurent notices he gently places his hand on her shoulder...

Laurent: "Mom, I'm sorry if asking about this hurts you. You and Pop are the best. I wouldn't be where I am without you and I love you both more than anything. It's just...what if these dreams and visions keep coming back? I'll always have questions and wonder what they mean. That's why I have to know". 

Vera: "I understand, son. I just don't know what to tell you".

Laurent: "Are you sure? Or are you trying to protect me", he asks softly.

Vera slowly looks up at him and when Laurent sees the saddened look in her eyes he softly exhales then wraps her up in a hug...

Laurent: "I know you want to protect me. That's why you're such an amazing mom".

Vera: "Thank you son, and I love you too", she replies softly.

Laurent hugs her tighter then slowly lets go of her to look in her eyes...

Laurent: "I shouldn't have talked for this now. I'm sorry".

Vera: "Don't apologize my love. You know you can talk to me about anything, anytime. I guess I just wasn't expecting what you told me".

Laurent: "Yeah it shook me too, but we can talk for this some other time. It's family time so let's just enjoy it".

Vera: "I would love that sweetie".

Laurent: *smile* "What do you need me to do"?

Vera: *smile* "I told you it's all taken care of".

Laurent: *chuckles* "But I want to help".

Vera: *smile* "Well since you insist. You can fill the large pot over there with water and place it on the stove so it can come to a boil".

Laurent: *smile* "You're making your famous Caesar pasta salad that I love".

Vera: *smile and wink* "That's why I'm making it".

Laurent does whatever she asks then Chrissy arrives back from the store who puts the large salad together. When everything is prepared they notice they have a little over an hour before the gathering starts so they head for the living room to play a board game as a family while waiting for everyone to arrive. Laurent checks on Vera to make sure she's still ok as he can tell she was becoming emotional during their conversation. When he notices her smiling he knows she is ok so they continue to spend quality time together then enjoy the gathering. His Sunday consists of playing ball with Greg and also catching up on some rest. It was ultimately a great weekend...


It's been days since Larry got out and he's grateful that he had a place to rest his head at night though he's had to continue to sneak in as Katherine's talk with Michael trying to convince him to let Larry stay there was unsuccessful. He's managed to avoid noises that would have Michael searching the house again, but since he's off on the weekend Katherine gave Larry money for a hotel. He's been job searching every day and now dressed in a suit and tie, he stands in front of the hiring manager at a manufacturing company. Katherine saw an online ad and encouraged him to apply. He's nervous if he'll get it because of his record now so he nervously stands there as his application is reviewed. The longer the manager takes, the more his nerves increase. The manager's facial expression appeared to be neutral, at first, but now it's as if he's stuck on something. When he looks up and gives Larry a somewhat suspicious look he knows exactly what the sudden change in expression is about. In a flat tone, he thanks Larry for coming in, but they won't extend employment to him. Larry closes his eyes and slowly drops his head. It's quiet for several moments before Larry softly says, "oki" and without looking up he just turns around and leaves the office...

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