Chapter Twenty One: Protocol

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Laurent has been in his office planning to only work a few hours then go back to home to his love and little Kya. Her eyes have seen so much and the past few days have only added to that so he's wanted to be with her as much as he can to help her deal. His wonderful husband has been by her side as well who she's becoming closer to as well. They had a talk about adopting her if he and Jeff are unable to find her family, but just as he's about to wrap things up at his agency a woman has entered his office introducing herself as the sister of Janice. He goes completely mute as he looks at her because he was starting to think that no one would come forward as it's been so many days and it's unlikely that family would wait seeing as how long Janice's tragic and untimely death has been in the news, but their efforts have seemingly paid off so he eventually speaks up and invites her to come in and sit down. He's thinking to himself that while it's great she's here he also has to make sure this is, in fact, her sister. Janice deserves a proper burial, but it's also about Kya so he will be diligent when it comes to her well being...

Laurent: "I'm the director, Laurent".

Celina: "It's nice to meet you Laurent".

Laurent: "It's nice to meet you too, although I hate the circumstances we're meeting under".

Silence briefly falls and now Laurent is watching her cry. His heart breaks at her pain and he takes some Kleenex from the box to give to her. She whispers, "thank you" through her tears in which Laurent gently nods as he continues to look softly at her as she dabs her eyes. Minutes later she finally musters up the strength to speak...

Celina: "I can't believe my sister is gone". *sniff* "I was just watching the news and saw the report. I felt my heart drop but I saw you as a contact on the news report so I got here as fast as I could". *pause* "She was abused, wasn't she"?

Laurent: "Yes she was", he replies softly.

Celina: *deep sigh* "I knew it. When I first met him I knew something off. I tried expressing my concern to her, but she was so in love she didn't want to see it. She said I was being paranoid and didn't want to see her happy. I told her that wasn't true. I was just listening to my gut and because I loved her so much I wanted the best for her. She still wouldn't listen then I noticed she wasn't coming around the family as much and I could barely talk to her. I knew he was isolating her, but she did call me to tell me she was pregnant with Kya".

Celina suddenly stops speaking and her eyes widen a bit as the tone in her voice now has a sense of urgency...

Celina: "Kya. Where is she? How is she"?

Laurent: "She's been living with me since I didn't know who to contact. She's oki. She understands that mommy went to heaven and I can tell she's sad, but she's adjusting".

Celina: "I have to see her. She has to be with me so I can raise her".

Laurent: "Well, it's not that simple".

Celina: "What do you mean? She's my niece. She has to be with family. She has cousins and an uncle, my husband. She should be with us".

Laurent: "I understand but when it comes to children it isn't as simple as giving them over and since you and your sister lost contact I assume it's been a while since you've seen Kya, yes"?

*brief pause*

Celina: *sigh* "You're right. I haven't since her since she was two. Or before she turned two but that wasn't my choice. I told you he isolated my sister. What could I do"?

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