When The Saints Go Marching In

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Mikaelson Compound

After bringing an unconscious Klaus back to New Orleans, Elijah makes sure Klaus is comfortable all chained up below the compound, Kol is there as his usual sarcastic self with Rebekah as they talk with Elijah. "Just when I thought he was showing the vaguest signs of maturity, our brother makes a unilateral decision that leaves the rest of us stewing in his melodrama." Kol said. "His death is not a melodrama." Rebekah said. "Well, he's spiraling. This energy feeds on anger, and our brother...as we know...Has enough to set the world on fire." Klaus said.

"How many times are we going to play this game?
Right, calamity and doom approaches our brother,
and then, all of a sudden, a trapdoor appears and,
poof, he escapes. He's a cockroach that will outlive
us all. And we're immortal." Kol said. "And what if it's different this time? What if he figures out a way to end it all?" Rebekah said. "I don't think he would notice or care that I wasn't there to witness it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going home." Kol said. With that said, he turns around and leaves. "He'll be back." Elijah said. "Will he?" Rebekah asked, also walking away. Truth be told, Elijah didn't even know if what he said was true or not.

Hope's Room

Hope, with the help of Aaron, isn't resting until she finds a cure. Freya and Daniel are trying to ease it to her that things aren't going to get better. "Your dad is strong, but that works against him here. The energy will feed off of that strength." Freya said. Hope and Aaron set books on the bed. "He'll quickly go mad, and...it won't be long before he's unrecognizable and impossibly dangerous to all of us." Daniel said sadly. "Okay. Well, how long does that take? Days?" Hope asked.

Freya and Daniel exchanged a look before looking at her. "More like...hours." Freya said sadly. "So, today?" Aaron asked sadly. Klaus was like a second father to him. "Yeah." Daniel said in the same sad tone as his son. Hope exhales. "All right. Then we're gonna have to pull the darkness out of him, divide it up again." Hope said. "And then we end up where we started, with the family scattered to the corners of the world until something calls them back." Freya said.

"Well, then we keep him asleep, okay? He won't be
angry when he's asleep. We'll just brick him up in the Head Garden. That'll at least slow it down." Hope said. Freya shuts the book they were looking at. " I need you both to hear me on this. There's
not enough magic in the world to slow this down." Freya said. Hope and Aaron look at her with a sad expression. Freya looked at them sympathetically before leaving the room. Daniel looked at them before walking over to them. He hugged the two teenagers. He started to hear Hope crying. So, he just hugged them tighter, reassuring them that he was there for them.

Later ~ Mikaleson Compound ~ Underground

Hope and Aaron go down to the dungeon to check up on Klaus. When they arrive, they are only met with the chains that we're keeping Klaus locked up. Marcel approaches them from behind. "So it's true." Marcel said. Hope sighed. "We have to find him." Hope said. "It's Mardi Gras out there. The streets'll be packed to the rafters." Marcel said. "Well, he'll be the one foaming at the mouth and ranting." Hope said. "Yeah, exactly. Which is why I don't think it's such a good idea for either of you to be out there." Marcel said.

"It's better than being fatherless." Hope said. With that, Hope leave to go find her father. But before she leaves, she grabs Aaron's hand and pulls him with her.

Outside ~ French Quarter

The Mardi Gras parade is happening as Hope and Aaron look around. Marcel catches up to them as he says, "Hey, Hope. Aaron. Hope. Aaron. Come on. We all know firsthand what he's up against. The voices, the rage." Marcel said. "He's in this mess because he's trying to save me. Just like always." Hope said. Aaron, who still held her hand, rubbed his thumb over her knuckles soothingly, trying to calm her down. "You put him down again, the same thing's gonna happen." Marcel said.

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