《Chapter 2》

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"The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark . . ."


Tonight the streets were as foggy as my mind felt.

Everywhere I looked, the place got filled with thick layers of fog, and I had to squint my eyes to see through it, and yet, my gege just continued driving as if the fog didn't bother him.

I stared out of the window; surprisingly, gege had been able to find a car with a rearview mirror, no broken glass and no headlights, and most importantly, the engine still worked.

This time, it seemed like we were lucky, but when we're not, we have to do with any car we can find, and on the worst nights, we have to move, so we walk, covering any distance we can.

Gege knows I can't walk long distances because of my health, so he often carried me when I felt too sleepy, even when I knew he too was tired.

Sometimes, I question if there will be an end to this chaos.

We move, never staying at the same place longer than 24 hours, never staying out too long, and yet, we have no destiny.

We were wanderers of the world.

It's rule 4 on gege's list, to keep moving, no matter what, and keep going from place to place.

"Didi, if you haven't slept well, just to sleep a bit more, hm?" Dazedly I blinked, mustering all my energy to smile and shake my head.

"Am not tired, gege," I slurred, biting my lower lip.

My gege just hummed non-committedly.

"Why do you always insist on staying awake, huh?" My gege teased me as I smiled sheepishly.

"I want to accompany gege," I said and looked at the rearview mirror, seeing my gege's face, identical to mine, smiling back softly.

My gege always put me before himself.

"I know you do, but your health is what matters." I nodded, leaning back against the seat and closing my eyes.

My gege hummed a lullaby as I felt my body shutting itself off.

Before the darkness caught me in their arms, I realised it had been some time since I last saw a zombie or even heard them.


Wang Yibo's POV

The pain burned into my skin, leaving its unseen marks.

Every muscle inside my body loudly ached as I let out a shaky breath that quickly turned into an airy cloud.

The cold settled onto my skin, a shiver running down my spine as I slammed the last visible zombie dead with the improvised baseball bat.

They appeared out of nowhere in a large group, so I lured them into a bigger space; having no weapons, I took anything I could use to throw it at them and used my newfound abilities to outsmart them.

And I'd consider myself lucky to be able to have beaten a dozen of brainless zombies.

I watched the last zombie fly onto the pile with his friends, and out of nowhere, one more zombie appeared behind one of the stalls.

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