《Chapter 7》

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The teenage boy watched them through the cameras, shaking his head.

"I could save them if I wanted to," he said to no one in particular as he played with a coin between his fingers.

"What about this; heads for saving them; tails for letting them die the fate they signed themselves by coming here." The boy flipped the coin, letting it fall on the palm of his hands which he covered with his other hand.

As he slowly raised his hand as if he had all the time in the world, he sighed, realising it was head.

"Okay, so they barge into my space, run a lot of zombies into my safe zone, and now I have to save them, heaven's officials? Fine. I will grant your wish," the boy muttered under his breath, turning to the cameras where he saw the two men fighting the zombie horde that kept growing and would continue growing until the two men were to collapse.

It was a race against time, but the boy calmly continued at his own pace.

"They would've died here without my help," the boy sing-sang as he typed some stuff faster than the light into the computer and hit some buttons with a smirk dancing on his face.

Then, a loud alarm blasted, but the boy didn't even flinch, knowing he was safe and sound.


"Ready for your first-ever patrol?" I patted Tracer's shoulder as he turned to me, his eyes wide.

Tracer nodded as I threw the door open to our armoury.

"Do you know what you're good with; I'm not going to equip you with a gun if you don't know how to shoot." I turned to Tracer as he raised an eyebrow.

"What if I tell you I don't know any self-defence, and I am in your mercy, Sean? I am just a simple damsel in distress." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"The dead pile of zombies in the mall told another story, though."

"Touché. I can work with anything; I mostly improvise whatever I find. I haven't had the pleasure to use a gun before-".

I picked some knives, holding them up to the light to be sure they were sharp enough.

As I wrapped them up, placing them into my boots, I turned back to Tracer, whose eyes were wandering around the darkly lit room.

"Have you seen any weapon of interest?" Tracer redirected his attention back to me, giving me a shy smile, which I considered a yes.

"Take any weapon you're confident with because we will cover a path that often has dozens of zombies; if we're lucky, they might not be there," I said as I saw Tracer inch towards the corner of the room.

"Then why still use that path?" Tracer's voice echoed back.

I smiled, "because it's the only way to the abandoned shops, we've searched the whole ground, and there's nothing else to find. Anywhere."

Tracer hummed and turned to me, showing a bat as a smirk was visible on his face.

"It's a useful weapon; I can hit zombies close enough to do damage but have them far enough not to get them into my comfort zone." I nodded thoughtfully.

"I don't have the strength, so I use knives."

"Which means you've got to be closer to them." True. "But that doesn't mean you're weak; using knives takes a lot of swiftness and accuracy. If you miss, it's game over."

I walked over to the door, holding it open for Tracer, "then I guess I am lucky that I know how to use my advantages, huh?" I winked at him.

"A baseball bat, Tracer?" I closed the door behind us, locking it up as Jiyang chatted away with Tracer, who looked like he would like to be anywhere but here.

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