《Chapter 8》

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"I want you to be happy. I want you to laugh a lot. I don't know what exactly I'll be able to do for you, but I'll always be by your side . . ."


The boy threw the coin with a clink to the wall, his eyes glued to the screen as he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Are they stupid or what? I give them a chance to escape, and they continue standing outside. Maybe I should've let them die, after all," the boy muttered, rolling his eyes.


Wang Yibo's POV

I bit back a groan as Sean turned his attention back to me, his eyes wide.

"Do you think we triggered an alarm?" I stared at him, the blearing of the alarm banging into my head as I shook my head slowly.

"Impossible; you have seen all the blood in the building; there have been people, if not zombies, in that building before us, and I believe you can hear this alarm from far away. It seems unlikely that we triggered an alarm, and if we did, why did it take so long before it went off?" The words kept spilling from my mouth as Sean nodded thoughtfully, his eyes wandering back to where we escaped.

He seemed distracted, so I pulled the pants up a little; at one side of my left leg, the fabric got torn and adorned with redness.

I quietly cursed because my adrenaline was slowly settling down, and the pain started to flare up.

"Could it have been possible that there is another survivor in there?" At that, my ears perked up, my eyes also looking at the old police station where the alarm continued blearing.

"Let's go first; we can ponder about those questions later on," I said, taking Sean by his wrist, probably waking him up from his daze as I bit through the pain and dragged him along.

I've been through worse pains; I can handle this, I repeated inside my mind like a mantra, trying to make myself believe it.

"Tracer?" I ignored Sean as I continued to walk the quickest I could because if it was a survivor who tried to save us, we couldn't let that attempt go in vain.

"Tracer?" Sean tried to get himself loose from my grip as I tightened it.

"Sean, we'll first get out of here; we can talk about anything else later, not now," I gritted out, trying to ignore the pricking in my leg.

"Tracer, you're hurt!" Suddenly, Sean's hand was gone from mine as I turned to glare at him, but Sean stared back.

"I know I am hurt, but that doesn't matter now; we must return before any zombies catch up!" Sean shook his head, stubborn.

"No." Sean pulled at me as he crouched in my view, bending through his knees.

"What are you doing?" I hissed through the pain, immediately biting my inner cheek; I didn't even dare look at the wound anymore.

"Hop on! If you don't, I will princess carry you; the choice is yours, for now, Tracer," Sean said, an edge around his words, and I knew I could better listen than try to protest.

With the help of Sean, I hopped on his back, and Sean started walking, not wasting any more time as I let my arms dangle.

I hissed out in pain, breathing out deeply.

"Acting all tough won't help. Let it out. And not far from here are some abandoned shops where I can get a better look at your wounds." I just hummed, no longer having the energy to argue with him.

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