Chapter four

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"Ajax look look!" A small girl cried, staring out at the open ocean. Another small child rushed to her side. The two watch a large ship depart from the harbor. They stared in awe, mesmerized by the shape of the ship's figure. The ocean crashed on the sides of the large boat while it slowly gets farther and farther.

It only took around thirty minutes before the ship was only a dot onto the view of the ocean. The two children watched for every second. "Some day, I hope I get to be a pirate too. Fighting bad guys and getting treasure!" the girl jumps down from the bars she was looking through.

The brunette pulled out a small pocket knife and began pretending to be a pirate. Her partner, Ajax, smiled and went to play as well. They both admired the ocean and loved the idea of being on one. They played on the beach and chased after each other, filled with bliss.

The two knew each other for a long while, their interests allowed them to get close so easily and left them completely unaware of their other sides. Once they stopped playing, they both fell onto the soft sand and were left panting.

"Man, you'd make a pretty good pirate Beidou- oh I mean, captain Beidou." Ajax laughs. Beidou turns to her side to face him, still laughing. "Then you'd be my first co-captain! Are those a thing?" she wondered while scanning her eyes across his face. "Eh who cares!" he responds and punched her in the arm lightly.

They talk more and finally get up. "We should go home, it's already sun set." he reminds and they both nod their head. The two walk eagerly back into town, taking notice of everything around them. In the corner of Beidou's eye, she see's two children around their age. Beidou turns her head quickly and she speeds towards them. Ajax noticed this and looks at her.

He follows shortly after to hear her talking about offering things to them. "Hey. I can get you some mora if you're hungry, what are you both doing here alone?" she pressed with concern and worry. The two children shudder in fear. Beidou looks even more worried, not sure how to help.

"Hey hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Relax." she reassured them, her voice staying soft and quiet. The smaller figures still quiver in fear and nervousness. One of the childern's eyes well up and Beidou notices. She backs away, still thinking of her reputation from years ago. "What about him?" the fragile boy points directly at the other boy behind her.

She turns around, confused. "Who? Ajax?" she blurts out. The two flinch at the sound of his name. "Y-yes! He...he hurt us!" they whine sorrowful. Beidou's eyes widen and she stares her friend down with eager eyes. "What..?" she muttered. Ajax's expression gets aggressive. His eyebrow's knit down words and his hands ball in a fist.

"He stole our lunch money! He gave my sister a black eye!" the boy screamed in despair. Beidou looks back and takes a glance at the little girl beside him. Sure enough, her eye is swollen to the max, an ugly shade of purple covering it. Beidou could only gasp and stare.

"Ajax..what is the meaning of this?" the brunette commanded, still confused about the whole situation. He rolled his eyes, annoyed. "I gave you a motive to attack, yet you didn't even fight back. You're pathetic, so stop crying." he snaps back.

Beidou's jaw drops and she can only taken his words slowly. There was just no way the friend he was playing with moments ago could be so heartless. She could only imagine the other things she would do to other kids he came into contact with. This was the first and only time she's ever heard about this though, but still worried that it would continue out of her view.

"What are you talking about? You hurt innocent people?"

"It isn't my fault! I gave them the chance to fight. I even gave them the advantage because they're two of them." he shouted, moving his hand out, directing towards the others.

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