Chapter ten

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Without a response or an explanation, Beidou yanked on her arm and dragged her back down in the boat. As they walked through the echoing hallways, they heard a voice at the end of it.

"You meet my parents and yet you don't bother to say hi to me? How could you stoop so low Lady Ningguang?"

The voice makes a slightly eerie sound. It was nauseating and mocking. The sarcastic tone was almost dripping with the intent to ruin someone's life. That means the voice could only belong to one person. The one person who'd Beidou wanted to get rid of sooner, but couldn't. Ningguang shudders and looks up, she's met with piercing ocean colored eyes.

"Oh- I hadn't known you were here. My apologies." the silver haired woman sighs and tries to remain calm. Beidou is about almost ready to lose it before he begins talking again.

He shakes his head, "No no, I think it's just great you got to meet them already. They already have a good impression of you by the looks of it. And from her..maybe a little more." The last remark was made at he shifts his gaze on the brunette to her right. Although he wasn't wrong, it didn't make sense how Beidou could have a strong relationship with the parents of someone who she hates.

Then again, they used to be best friends. Most likely than not the parents had no clue. It was depressing to think about when she remembered how excited the elder woman god when she first saw her. Every moment that passed on left more questions and less answers.

"God..I should've known you'd follow us here." Beidou scolds herself in anger, still slowly trying to walk to the bedroom. Ningguang notices her attempt to escape the situation and complies, following behind her.

He laughs, "I'm not here for you. I'm here for her." Pointing at Ningguang, his laughter only gets worse. It made Beidou sick. Sick he was even in the same room as them. Sick that they were even listening to him. Sick that he wanted her.

Beidou turns to her side and looks and Ningguang. Ningguang shrugs, clueless. "Why would you possibly want her? What are you trying to get her to do, Childe?" Beidou hisses back, staying closer to her silver haired companion. His grin only sharpened at the hasty remark. It seemed at though he wasn't effected by Beidou's intimidating nature.

"She knows why. Certainly her appearance here at this ship is going to be quite useful if she ever wants to get out on top." Childe snickers. Those words formed a shiver down her spine. Could it be he seriously followed them onto the trip? That didn't make any sense considering they told no one about their disappearance other than the school.

Ningguang looks away and Beidou stands there stunned. "What are you talking about? Stop messing with me and my friends!" Beidou complains, gripping onto Ningguang's arm tighter. Without a moment to spare, she walked off, clutching onto Ningguang's arm.

As she turned her head she swore she could see his mouth still moving. Moving without a sound. She read his lips.

'Tell her.'

"What an asshole!" Beidou groans as she crashes onto the bed, taking off her shoes. Ningguang nods and groans as well, but sits down casually next to her. The distress in Beidou's voice is quite violent. So much so that even Ningguang is a little frightened.

Ningguang sighs, "what is he even doing here? This was supposed to be a fun birthday trip for you. There was even a big party happening on your birthday! Well..not specifically for your birthday, but Valentine's Day."

The stressed brunette rolls to her side, "do you think he came to ask you out for Valentine's Day or something?" It takes a moment for the words to get out, but as soon as they do, Ningguang bursts in to laughter.

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