Chapter nine

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"I hate this. I wanna go home." Ningguang realizes her grave mistake the moment they stepped on board.

The two women stand in a crowd of people who are casually drinking and partying on the dock. Several of them were adults, very few were around their age. They both just stood their, luggage in hand and in wait for someone to help them around. It wasn't until Ningguang began to get ansty that someone decided to tend to their needs.

"Ah yes! Hello, welcome to the Posh Paradise! How may I assist you with your stay?" a man with long dark hair hair introduces the two. They sigh in relief and try to find a way to be polite and tell him they want to get out of the crowd. Ningguang eyes rolling down onto his outfit. A black and gold borderlined pin labeled 'Zhongli' is visible. That must be his name.

"Yes, we were wondering if you could show us to our room." Ningguang's voice immediately changed and Beidou side eyed her in surprise. So this is how she does business, Beidou notes, impressive. The man nods and leads them both further through the dock. They pass by several areas where some are seen sitting comfortable and talking with one another, some are children running around and playing with the small water holes that shoot out of the ground.

What really catches Beidou's eye, are the couples. Many look as if they come from wealthy families and have a perfect relationship. Hugging, kissing, cuddling, all of the things she could only sit and admire. A part of her felt empty because she didn't have that. Her head started to spin the longer she stared. Ningguang stomped her foot onto the ground hard and cut Beidou's fantasy short.

Zhongli, turns around, worried. "Something the matter, miss?" Ningguang looks away from Beidou and back to the guide. She gives a thumbs up and he keeps going. The three travel down to the lower parts of the ship. Until finally they arrive in a hallway with multiple rooms.

"Your room is going to be 603, you should have already gotten a key when you turned in your tickets." he concludes the tour. Beidou and Ningguang smile and give their thanks before he leaves. Watching him walk down the hall, they both stay as quiet as a mouse. The silver hair woman pulls out the small keys with the tag number, bringing it up to the door.

She shoves it into the hole in the doornob. In a moment or so, the door flings open. The two push it farther to get a good look of the inside. There was a decent sized window above a small red couch against the wall. Not just that, but there was a bed with red and white covers. One bed.

"Oh my god finally, my legs hurt so bad." Beidou complains while launching herself onto the made up bed. Before Ningguang could call out to her, a thud hits the room. The brunette held her nose and whined. The mattress was a lot harder than she expected. Ningguang chokes up a laugh and places their luggage near the door.

Beidou rolls over onto her side, head facing the pillows. "How long did you say we were gonna be here again?" she calls out to Ningguang. Ningguang, who is currently grabbing her hairbrush and other supplies out of her bag, replies without making eye contact.

The struggle of her heavy suitcase causes her to take a minute to answer. Beidou casually waits a minute or so for her to respond. "Well, I booked this in advance, so most likely we'll be here for a least five days. That way we miss school and get to relax at home when we get back." the silver haired woman resumes getting her things after speaking.

Beidou continues to roll around on the bed with the sound of quick foot steps pacing in and out of the bathroom. The small bathroom next to the bed was comfortable, not enough to hold two people, but comfortable. The brunette stops rolling and just lays there for a moment. Staring at the ceiling with tiredness in her eye.

Ningguang notices the stop in motion and peaks from the bathroom door. "Beidou, you okay over there?" Ningguang asks when setting her necessities on the marble counters. This place is surprisingly clean. I love being rich sometimes. Ningguang thought to herself. She waited for Beidou to at least make a noise, but nothing.

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