Chapter five

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"You what?"

A loud voice shouts, loudly pounding her hands on the table. The other two stare in shock and Beidou give a laid back sigh. The shocked friend sits back down with her jaw dropped. "Wait wait wait, you're telling me your got in a fight with one of the popular kids, on your first day?" she repeats, still unable to process it.

"Yes Keqing, I fought Childe and I don't regret it." Beidou admits briefly, "You don't have to be so concerned about it. It's not my first time fighting a popular kid." Keqing only sits there, completely out of words. The other two at the table remain quiet, one doing homework and the other listening to the drama with high interest.

"I mean yeah, but on your first day? Isn't that a bit much?" Ganyu proposes while shuffling through papers in her bag. Beidou shrugs and smirks. "It wasn't in school so it's not a big deal, not sure how the word even got out." she recalls. Ningguang gives a glare of confusion.

"Really? I thought you would've flexed your victory or something." Keqing confesses. Beidou then starts laughing effortlessly. Keqing doesn't entirely understand, but she chuckles awkwardly to go along with it. "Me? Flex a victory like that? That's for petty people. Besides, I'm not the person who started the fight." she exclaims.

Ningguang suddenly remembers what she had said about Childe the day before. They were once close, but drifted apart because of different beliefs and values. She knew how terrible that felt because the same thing happened to her once before. Although she didn't know the entire situation, she had a pretty good idea on it. It's not a surprise that she would fight an enemy of hers from way back when.

"Also another thing, I heard he kept calling you 'captain'. What's that all about?" Keqing blurts out. Beidou's face starts to sweat. "It's nothing. Just a nickname he gave me back when we were kids." she brushes off the memory with ease. Keqing still seems concerned. "Why that name?" she continues, Ningguang was trying to signal her to stop.

"Him and I used to play pretend as pirates, believe it or not, it took me years before I realized that pirates aren't real!" Beidou chirps cheerfully, Keqing giggles a bit. Ganyu smiles and Ningguang still can't help, but be worried about the whole situation.

It was not only odd that Beidou was so laid back about this issue. Especially because the school does not handle rumors lightly. The moment the word gets out, it takes months over months for people to get over. This was only one of the many reasons why Ningguang kept a perfect persona.

"Aren't you going to say something about the people talking bad about you?" Ganyu worries. Beidou glances back and folds her hands together.

"I don't care what people think of me. If they want to gossip or assume what happened in the past, that's their problem." the brunette shrugs. Ganyu's reaction starts out a little surprised, then looking away. "So did you win?" Keqing whispers eagerly. Beidou sighs and looks away.

"No. Nobody won. We got pulled apart and almost got sent to the police station." Beidou recites. Ningguang smiles to herself, then looks back at Ganyu. Ganyu seems to have a difficult time doing homework at home, so she mostly does it at school when she has the time. With that in mind, Ningguang decided to lend her a helping hand. Although she was busy, she still listened to Keqing and Beidou's conversation.

"Oh come on. That's stupid. What kinda moves did he do?"

"Haha! I'm not telling you that."

"Why? You just said-"

"If you wanna know so bad, go fight him yourself."

"No thanks."


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