Chapter 1

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"Now tell me Flora, what do you see."

An old lady was holding up a piece of paper with black marks all over it in front of a young adult, who looked as bored as ever.

"It looks like a bouquet of flowers with smoke coming out." She mumbled her answer.

"Interesting... What about this one?" She old lady said, putting up another design.

"It's the same damn thing." Flora sighed, annoyed. "Okay, but are they the same flowers?" The grey haired woman asked calmly. "Well... Not really... It ain't the same KIND of flowers..." Flora shrugged.

"Really now? Tell me what they are." The lady said, intrigued, writing down on her notepad. "Well what can I say, the others were roses, and these are tulips. Not much of a difference, really. Can I go now?" Flora pleaded.

Discouraged, the lady sighed. "Go back to your lunch break, I suppose there isn't much things I can force out of you. Off you go, now."

The girl jolted up and ran out the door. "Cecilia, wait up!" She shouted, calling out her friend. "Hurry, for Pete's sake! I was about to leave without you!" The poofy blonde haired girl from across the hall shouted back.

Flora opened her locker at lighting speed and threw her books in it. She looked at herself in the little mirror she had and arranged her dark brown hair. She puckered up her pink lips and slammed her locker door to then join her friend.

"I swear to God, if I stayed in that room for 10 more seconds, I think I would of punched a hole through the wall." Flora muttered. Cecilia laughed and rolled her eyes. "Why do they keep on callin' ya there anyway?" She asked while Flora was tucking down her black and white skirt. "I dunno. I suppose they think I'm in depression or somethin'. " "Gee, I wonder why." Cecilia said, teasing her about her black atrial. "They're just mop heads, don't listen to them. You're beautifully perfect in your own way."

"Well obviously, you're the only one who thinks like that, considering all the guys are droolin' all over you and not me. Not that I'm complainin', but still." Flora mumbled.

It was true, Cecilia was one of the prettiest girls in the grade. Her eyes shined as much as the stars at night, and her smile made all the boys faint. Yet, she was never in a relationship.

"Oh quit your whinin' and cmon! We're gonna miss it!" Cecilia said, starting to run out towards the front doors. The two girls ran all the way to a small building, then climbed up to reach the roof. "And just in time!" Flora said happily, watching a blue mustang drive by. "You may do the honors." Cecilia smirked as she passed Flora a thick rubber elastic. Flora's eyes then squinted with an evil glare as she pulled the elastic, which then went flying all the way to the shotgun passenger's head. The guy winced in pain and started arguing with the guy in the back seat as the driver sighed and chuckled.

"Bullseye!" Flora said, hugging Cecilia. But then, the two socs came out and started fighting, hitting eachother with their fists as hard as they could. "Oh no! We started that! Now they're getting hurt!" Cecilia cried out sarcastically as Flora was holding her stomach, laughing.

The two gals weren't exactly what you would call "calm and collected". Once they had an idea, it HAD to be executed. They may not of been the same on the outside, but it was scary how much they had the same mind.

"We better go before we get caught." Cecilia suggested. "Not a bad idea. Seems like they're calming down. And we all know that never ends well." Flora sighed and climbed down the ladder right behind Cecilia.

"Hey, Cece! Pick better lingerie!" A guy yelled from underneath, followed by a series of manly laughs. Flora looked down and saw Cecilia turn red, not because of embarrassment, but mostly because of anger. "Let me take care of it." Flora muttered to her best friend while jumping off the ladder and landing in front of the group of pervy guys that were still looking up, like Flora didn't even exist.

"HEY FECES MOUTH!" She yelled, surprisingly loudly for her size. The guys slightly jumped back unexpectedly as Flora continued; "GLUE YOUR PRETTY EYES TO THE GROUND AND KEEP YOUR CRAP WORDS INSIDE YOUR TRAP BEFORE I SMASH YOUR HEAD ON THE PAVEMENT!"

Some of the guys laughed, others whispered, but most of them just watched her with a slight grin. "Wow, feisty." The soc that shouted at Cecilia said. "Are ya gonna leave before I make you, or are ya just gonna keep describing what you see?" Flora muttered between her teeth, stretching her head so she could get to his level, and the guy then did the same, making him taller than her.

"You might as well be a greaser, feisty freak." He whispered with a menacing smirk. Flora pulled an angered grimace as she swung her arm, going in for a punch. Two arms then wrapped around her, lifting her up one foot above the ground.

Flora let out a muffled up scream of rage as she tried to fight her way out of the guy's arms, which was unsuccessful. She thought for a moment, then kicked him with the heel of her shoe right in the down south package. The soc cringed in pain and tightened his grip on her, making her gasp for breath, as the other boys winced in imaginairy pain, letting out a series of "oooooooh..." 's.

"Put. Her. Down." Cecilia said of her ferm and frightening tone. Only then, the boys backed away, leaving Flora in the middle of the circle of guys. Flora was strong and stubborn, but Cecilia was tall, and smart, and especially rich, a huge advantage.

"C'mon, Flora. Let's leave before someone breaks a bone." The blondie said, referring to the guys, and not to Flora. Flora got up and dusted away the dirt that was on her skirt, giving a deathly stare at the soc that had a hold on her.

As they walked, the boy that first started this fight mumbled to Flora:

"You're damn lucky your friend's got the looks, grease..."

A Flower Painted Black ~ A story in the Outsiders universe. ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon