Chapter 2

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When Flora arrived home from school, no one was there to warmly welcome her back, no one to make her diner, no one to kiss her on the cheek and ask her how her day had been.

The brunette threw her bag in her room and flopped onto her bed, spreading her thick dark hair on her pillow, turning on her radio and blasting the volume to the max.

She stayed in this position for about five songs, closing her eyes and mouthing the lyrics of each one of them. She had a gift with music. She couldn't remember anything school related, but she could remember every song she heard in a matter of minutes.

A door then opened quietly, but loud enough to be noticed. Flora didn't pay much attention to it, since she knew it was her mother coming back from work, then locking herself in the basement while working. She was more of the man of the family, she was the one making money for them, the one working till midnight, etcetera. Flora barely even saw her at the time.

The teen got up and opened her closet, which, instead of clothes, was full of vinyl disks. She took out the album "Hot Rocks" by the Rolling Stones.

As the song "Time is On My Side" started playing, a loud popping noise suddenly came from outside, then a scream from the neighbour. "What the- what's goin' on out there?" Flora thought as she opened her window, looking for anything out of the ordinary. She heard people running, and shouts in the dark. Besides that, nothing. "It sounded like a heater..." She thought to herself. "Meh, oh well. Their problem, not mine. "

Flora walked back to her bed, forgetting to close her window behind her. "Flora? Flora!" She heard her mother shout, running up the stairs. Flora rose an eyebrow, confused of her mother's sudden concern about her. "Yeah?" She said as her door flew open. "Oh thank god..." The woman said, her hand on her heart.

Then it hit her: "She thought I was dead...."

"You thought I killed myself, didn't you?! You thought I'd be willing to pull the trigger!!!" Flora shouted at her. Her mom backed away, frightened. "N-No, I-I just thought that-" "You're just like the others!!! Get out!!!" She yelled, pointing at the door. Her mom walked away quickly, closing the door behind her.

As she felt tears rushing up to her eyes, Flora started blasting her music again. She layed on her bed, relaxing and thinking about the lyrics so she wouldn't cry.

Footsteps then could faintly be heard outside her window. She, again, didnt pay any attention to it. Hands appeared on the edge of the window frame. Caramel coloured hair peeked out as a stain of blood on jean jacket could be seen faintly. Flora looked up and widened her eyes when she saw a pair of dark blue eyes outside her window.

And that's when I saw her beautiful green eyes for the first time.

A Flower Painted Black ~ A story in the Outsiders universe. ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora