Chapter 4

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When I woke up, it took me a second to remember what happened. The pain on my shoulder mostly helped me to remember the fact that I almost got shot. Then I looked down. The brown haired girl was sleeping so peacefully on my knees. I took a long moment to look at her. "Man she looks beautiful when she's sleeping... Is it like that for everyone?" I wondered. I really didn't want to wake her up. The sun was about to rise, and the gang was probably worried that I actually had a bullet through my chest.

I looked at Flora one last time. I didn't know if I was gonna see her again, but with her greaser attitude, it was clear she was gonna do anything to get into trouble.

I picked her up very gently and placed her on her bed. Her hair was covering her face, so I pushed it away. Was I falling for her? "No, I can't, I only met her yesterday! And I barely know anythin' about this girl. If I'll ever like her, it'll be for another day." I thought.

I picked up the two dead cigarettes and threw them out the window once I was sure they weren't burning anymore. I climbed out with only one arm, the other one still patched up. It was still kinda dark, so it was very easy to find my way to the east side without getting caught by the cops or some filthy socs boys.

When I finally got to my side of town, I could hear the motor of a rickety car coming closer. "Two-Bit..." I thought, kinda happy he was the first one I got to see.
The car pulled over close to me. The guys were saying stuff like "hey, Taffy! Where've you been, bud?" Or like "we thought you got caught!", which was what I was expecting. "Don't hurry me guys, I've only got one mouth!" I said with a chuckle as they were bumping me from side to side and giving me friendly taps on the back. "And slack on the shoulder, it still kinda hurts."
"So you DID get shot!" Two-Bit said. "You owe me five bucks, Dal!"
"Not so fast, Matthews. I ALMOST got shot. It only touched me, didn't go through me."
"Ha!" Dally laughed. "Looks like I'm not the one that's giving the money again!"
Two-Bit lightly punched his shoulder as a joke and snickered.
"But where were you last night?" Another asked.
"Oh it doesn't matter. I'm okay now. Im also starving. I'll go to Dairy Queen to get something to eat and I'll come back."
"I'll go with you!" I heard Soda say, walking forward. "I'm hungry too!"
So the guys went back in the car while saluting us as we walked over to the closest Dairy Queen.
"So tell me. What happened last night." Soda said, kinda serious but also a little bit messing around. "Well.. I just found a house and sleept in it." I answered blankly, lighting a weed.
"Aaaaaaaand? I recognise that kind of smile, Taf!" He said, poking my side with a huge grin. "Argh, stop that!" I said while laughing, my cigarette still in between my fingers.
"You found a girl, didn't you? What's she like, huh?"
"She was nice. She was pretty too. I don't know, I only met her yesterday... She's a real music person, got loads and loads of disks everywhere and-"
"Wait... Disks? Man, aren't they expensive after a while?" Soda asked, suspicious.
"Yeah... Well, she's a ... She's.. A soc...."
Soda looked at me dumbfounded.
"Wait... Hold on... You stayed in a SOC's house!? How did she even let you in!?"
I rubbed the back of my neck.
"That's the thing... She really doesn't look like a soc! She's more of like a... A rebel than anythin' else! It's so strange... "
Sodapop gave me a tap on the shoulder and laughed. "Man, Taffy, you remind me of me when I met Sandy for the first time!"
"Hey, I'm not 15 anymore, don't treat me like a kid! I'm almost your age!"
"I know, I know, but you're just... You remind me if me, that's it. Don't take it the wrong way, kid. Now let's go get that food, I can here your tiny stomach from here!" Soda said, teasing me again.
"Hey, watch your mouth, Curtis!" I said, starting to chase him since he was running away from me.

A Flower Painted Black ~ A story in the Outsiders universe. ~Where stories live. Discover now