Chapter 13

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Song above for Chapter: "Honesty" --Halsey


(Seven Months Later)

"Nora, can you take table six for me? I've been holding in my pee forever!" Crystal hops around behind the counter and dashes to the back of the diner before I can even reply.

"Sure, it's not like I don't have to pee every five minutes, but hold it because you're too busy flirting with every trucker that has walked in today." I mutter, making my way around the counter, trying my hardest not to waddle; my hips feel very sore today.

"Order up, Nora!"

I sigh and make my way back around. "Sorry, girlie, you know how Saturday mornings go," Sal tells me from the kitchen window.

"No biggie, Sal." I smile and tuck my pen and notebook in my apron before grabbing the plates from the warming area.

"The olds hens at table ten," Sal mentions as I maneuver the plates around my arms.

"Be nice." I give him a look. He chuckles meandering back to the grill.

I deliver the food to the group of older ladies sitting together, talking and laughing. They come every Saturday to gossip about the latest, in the small town we live in.

"Oh my, will you look at this adorable belly! It just gets cuter each week, Nora." Martha rubs my stomach.

"Do you have names picked out yet?" Olive asks and thanks me when I hand her her plate.

I shake my head, "No, not yet."

"I always waited until I held each of my babies," Viola says, her eyes crinkling as she smiles.

"We always used family names." Maggie dabs at her bright red lipstick. I grab the coffee from across the aisle and refill their cups. She looks up at me. "What's the father's name, dear?"

"Nice try, Maggie." I smirk, knowing she's dying for any information she can get out of me. Maggie huffs and my smile widens.

"Leave her be Margaret," Martha scolds her. "She doesn't have to tell you shit."

"Don't use that language with me, Martha."

"Oh, shut up! Stop getting your depends in a bunch!" Olive now joins in, winking at me.

Maggie gasps appalled, "Excuse me?" She clutches her chest.

"All of you's shut your pie holes! Too much commotions not good for the baby." Viola adds her two cents.

"Ladies, please don't fight. I like the thought of holding the baby and seeing what comes to me then; thanks for the idea, Viola."

"So, until then we'll just name the baby Bubba," Olive announces; I'm about to reject the idea but a shouting customer grabs my attention.

"Hey! Can I get some help over here!"

"Oh, shoot, I was supposed to grab that table, excuse me, ladies." I walk away as fast as I can waddle and smile at the sour faced man who yelled.

"Hi there, I'm sorry about the wait, what can I get for you?"

He holds my gaze for a moment before he shifts his irritated eyes to my belly and then to my ringless finger. That happens quite often now that there's no denying I'm pregnant.

My fingers swell up most mornings so I wear my wedding band on a chain around my neck.

He proceeds to tell me what he'd like to order. I fill his cup with coffee and head back to give his order to Sal.

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