Chapter 8: Filling Up Her Gas Tank

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The night after Tillie's date, I was thinking how watching Tillie kiss another man about killed me. And, no doubt about it, I deserved that pain and much more for what I had done to her.

But no way was I leaving her out there alone with Brad Cramer, no matter what I had to witness. Tillie's safety was more important than my discomfort. I'd had my window rolled down and was watching until the windows in Brad's car got too steamy, and then I was listening so closely I was barely breathing, ready to run over there if I heard any sign of distress from my wife.

I had done this. I had taken our love and destroyed it by betraying my wife with Mary-Lou. I had sent Tillie into the arms of another man. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to walk in on what Tillie had. I know I would have most likely killed the man and would currently be serving a life sentence. This separation from Tillie was like a life sentence of its own. I had committed a terrible crime, but unfortunately, it wasn't just me paying for the crime; Tillie was paying the price, too.

Since I'd been seventeen, I had been with Tillie. The minute I asked her out, I'd felt my world shift, moving back into balance and I hadn't even realized it'd been out of balance. But there you have it. She was the most beautiful girl, inside and out, in school, in town -- the most beautiful girl I'd ever known, period. She was smart and kind and so sweet I ached. 

By working as many hours as I could at my dad's shop, working extra on cars that needed restoration in my off hours, I'd been able to open my autobody shop not long after graduating with some help from my dad. My routine was simple: I'd drive Tillie home after school, drive to my job at the shop, work until six, then drive back over to Tillie's, where we'd do homework together until it was time for me to go at nine. Her parents were strict; we were only allowed in the kitchen to do schoolwork, I had to leave by nine and her parents watched out the window when Tillie walked me to my car. I'd give my girl a kiss on the cheek before driving back to my dad's shop so I could get three or four hours in on whatever car I was currently restoring. My mom tried protesting the late hours and little sleep I was getting, but I managed, buoyed by my love for Tillie, and my dad shushed my mom's concerns.

"He's almost eighteen, Cath. Let him be." And that had been enough to stop the verbal concern, but it was still in her eyes.

It was some point during our first date that I realized I was going to make it my life's mission to care for her in all ways, large and small. I knew Tillie's parents weren't well off at all, but she was always neat and clean, even if her clothes were cleverly patched, and I resolved to make something of my life so I could give her anything she wanted. And then I'd let her down in the most important way.

"Tell me why I shouldn't mistake you for a trespasser and fill you with lead?"

The quiet, low voice came from behind, startling me out of my thoughts. I turned and looked at Tillie's father, barely able to make out much more than a shadow since it was a new moon that didn't provide any light.

I held my free hand up at him. "I'm almost done. I'll leave as soon as I'm finished."

"What in the ever-living hell are you doing, Quest? Bad enough you've been sleeping in your truck outside my property every night for the last six months, but now you're sneaking onto my property at two in the morning to mess with my daughter's car?"

"Just filling up her gas tank." I had an empty one-gallon can at my feet and another one emptying into the car's tank.

"What the hell?"

"Always filled her car up for her when we were together. Was worried she'd forget and get stranded. I also didn't like her getting the gas on her since she hated that smell, so I always made sure her car was filled."

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