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When I'm inside the building, I'm instantly shocked on how many people are in the building; I thought the line was the waiting part, not another part inside! And people look so CONFIDENT, they're legit oozing power. I see some HOT.T posters inside, some sexy posters with them posing inappropriately and some other clean-cut photos of them posing in school uniforms in a brightly lit classroom.

After a while, people get called in 5-at-a-time into the boardroom, where they've removed the table a chairs for you to be able to perform. People go to the boardroom and go out of another exit, while 5 new people are let in, so there almost always 20-25 people in here.

When I get called in, Lucy squeezes my arm and Joe hugs me. "8271, 8272, 8273, 8274 & 8275, come inside" said a man in a suit with a tie with a banana design on it, with a piercing voice loudly, not shouting but loud. We follow Suit McBananaTie down a corridor and into a ✨lift✨ (also known as an elevator to my American 🇺🇸 readers). We go up onto the floor named 'BR', probably standing for 'Boardroom', and go into the iconic waiting room.

When we wait for ANOTHER five minutes, we get called in by ANOTHER man in a suit but with an apple patterned tie. When we're inside, I see three people sitting on a small desk in the back of the room: Suit McAppleTie, a woman with an aura of authority and a CAMERAMAN?! I DIDN'T KNOW WE WERE GOING TO BE FILMED.

Suit McAppleTie is the first to speak: "Hello, and thank you all for coming to audition. I am Robert and I will be your translator for Manager Soo-Jin *he gestures to the striking woman sitting next to him*, and we would like to go in opposite order so, 8275, you're first."

A Korean-British guy walks up to the front with a sticker stating '8725' on his shirt, and introduces himself: "Hello, Robert, Manager Soojin and Mr Cameraman *bows deeply to each person*, I am Leo Park, my Korean name is Gwi-Nam Park, and I'm 18. I will be performing a dance to 'Thunderous' by 'Stray Kids'. He does the dance, he's not bad but everyone's expressions tell him that's he's only mediocre, poor guy, but he's excused after the chorus.

A British-African guy (8724) introduces himself and I am in awe at his beauty. He is GORGEOUS DARLIN'. Anyways, he introduces himself: "Hello everyone *he bows*, I am Jamal and I will be performing 'Into The New World' by 'Girls' Generation'. He starts singing and his voice is incredible, it flows live a river AND his Korean pronunciation is on FLEEK 😭😭💅💅.

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